Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2015


A. Warm up 3 rnds of :

1. Static False grip on rings from floor palms close to chest 15 sec- 30 sec
2. With a light band Internal Rotation 15 reps both arms
3. Shoulder abduction (band apart at shoulder height) 15 reps
4. Muscle Snatch 6-8 reps reps with light weight or empty bar
5. Prone Floor Handstand Flexio with Weighted bar or pvc pipe 10 reps

B. Alternate Emom x 8

Power Clean 60-70% 3 reps touch and go odd
Du 30-40 even

C. Gymnastics skill : Mu

Choose a strict version of the Mu (from the pics) : Mu negative/Mu seated/Strict Mu/Mu wide/Mu straight bar Ladder 1/2/3/1/2/3 rest 60-90 sec between rep sets

Then 5 sets of 1-3reps kipping or Jumping Mu practise mechanics. Rest 2 min between sets

D. Metcon

For Time

4 rnds of

30 kcal Row
100mt Farmer walk
5 strict Hspu

Δευτέρα 29 Ιουνίου 2015


Morning Session :

1. Warm up light jogging 5-8 min + dynamic warm up

2. Run on Grass or soft surface for 10-12 min @ zones 2-3
    2 sets of core work 15 reps Leg raises and plank hold 45sec - 1 min
    Run on Grass or soft surface for 10-12 min @ zone 2

Rest 6-8 Hours

Evening Session :

1. Strength

Back Squat : 60%- 8 reps, 65%- 8 reps, 70%- 6 reps, 75%-6 reps
Complex : Power Snatch + 2 Full Squat Snatches 65% x 3 reps

2. Skill:

3- 4 sets of wrist wall Handstand paired with a mobility exercise Standing Shoulder Extension with weighted bar 5 reps (hold on top 3 sec)

3. Metcon

At threshold pace 80% effort amrap 5 min

21/15/9 reps

Toes to bar
Push Press @ 55% of max

Rest 3 min

At theshold pace 80% effort amrap 5 min

21/15/9 reps

Wall Ball

* For description of exercises Check Facebook page