Δευτέρα 20 Ιουλίου 2015



A. Warm up 2 rnds of :

1. Static False grip on rings from floor palms close to chest 15 sec- 30 sec
2. With a light band Internal Rotation 15 reps both arms
3. Shoulder abduction (band apart at shoulder height) 15 reps
4. Muscle Snatch 6-8 reps reps with light weight or empty bar
5. Prone Floor Handstand Flexion with Weighted bar or pvc pipe 10 reps

B. Skill Alternate Emom work x 10 min :

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean x 2 reps (start from 65% and add) odd
Chest to bar or Butterfly pull ups 10-15 unbroken reps or 3-5 Heavy Pull ups even

C. Conditioning (18 min amrap 3sets x 6 min)

Work 4 min @threshold or pace tempo followed by  2 min of active rest, easy Row or single jump rope x 3 sets

Amrap at threshold pace

500mt Row
25 Swings
25 Jump Over Box
50 Du

Rest 6-8 min

Finish with One body building exercise of your choice (Choose a body part that needs hypertrophy) i.e. Bench Press/ Curls/ Heavy Sit ups/ Lunges heavy etc.... 4-5 sets 8-12 reps rest 90 sec between sets. Then stretch....

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