Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex 3 rnds of light weight

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind neck + 5 OHS or Snatch Balance + 5 Kang Squats

B.& C. : Check your facebook page

D. Conditioning

Choose your rep range (reps should be unbroken)

Emom from 0-3 min

10-7reps Thrusters (45-30/ 25-20kg) odd
10-5reps Kipping or butterfly pull ups even

Emom from 3-6 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
8-4 reps C2bar pull ups even

Emom from 6-9 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
5-3-1 Bar Muscle ups even

E. Core

3 sets of slow romanian deadlift x 5-6 reps medium weight
1 set accumulate 90 sec in hollow position

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