A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Snatch +snatch sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation
B. Olympic Weight Lifting
In 10 min quickly build a heavy 3 position Snatch
1. Hang Squat Clean
2. Below Knee
3. From Ground
B. Olympic Weight Lifting
In 10 min quickly build a heavy 3 position Snatch
1. Hang Squat Clean
2. Below Knee
3. From Ground
C.Strength/ Skill
3 sets of :
1. Strict Toes to bar 5 reps
2. Snatch Balance 3 reps
Rest as needed between sets
Then for Time
In pairs of 2
100 Toes to bar + 100 OHS (50% of Snatch Balance)
i.e. Athlete 1 does 10 toes to bar, then athlete 2 does 10 toes to bar......
D. Conditioning
On the 2 nd minute x 6 sets
15 Swings
3 Ring Muscle ups or 6 Ring Dips
6 Power Snatch (60/45-40kg)
*In case you don't finish in 90 sec reduce weight
E. Core work
4 super sets of
45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets
F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm
12 min of Run or Row