Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Snatch +snatch sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min quickly build a heavy 3 position Snatch

1. Hang Squat Clean
2. Below Knee
3. From Ground

C.Strength/ Skill

3 sets of :

1. Strict Toes to bar 5 reps
2. Snatch Balance 3 reps

Rest as needed between sets

Then for Time 

In pairs of 2

100 Toes to bar + 100 OHS (50% of Snatch Balance)

i.e. Athlete 1 does 10 toes to bar, then athlete 2 does 10 toes to bar......

D. Conditioning

On the 2 nd minute x 6 sets

15 Swings
  3 Ring Muscle ups or 6 Ring Dips
  6 Power Snatch (60/45-40kg)

*In case you don't finish in 90 sec reduce weight 

E. Core work

4 super sets of

45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of  Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets

F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm

12 min of  Run or Row

Τρίτη 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min build a heavy 2-3 Rm Push Jerk

 Followed by

3 sets of  3 reps of Jerk dips 5-10kg above record. Short and Fast Dip and Drive

B. Strength /skill

1. 3 sets of max Strict Hspu deficit
2. 2 sets of unbroken  Kipping Deficit HSPU
3. 1 set of unbroken HSPU Kipping (Normal)

Rest as needed between sets.. During rest stretch your shoulders with pvc pipe

C. Conditioning

For Time

2 rnds of

60 du
30 Push press (45/30kg)
60 du
30 Box Jumps (60cm/50cm)

On every 2 minutes 1 leg less Rope Climb

Rest 5 min

Interval  Rowing

3-4 sets

1 Min Hard Rowing - 2 Min Medium Rowing

D. Core and Grip Training

Accumulate 2 min in False grip on Rings
Accumulate 2 min Lsit on Rings

Κυριακή 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 min

Cross over symmetry, Muscle Clean +Front Squat  + Hip Mobility

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Clean (Wave Loading)

1set @60% - 5 reps
2set @70% - 3 reps
3set @75%-  2 reps
4 set @80% - 2 reps
5 set @85%- 2 reps
6 set @75%- 3 reps
7 set @ 80%- 3 reps
8 set @ 85%- 2 rep

*Between Reps Rest 15 sec

C. Strength

1. 3 sets x 3 reps of Heavy Front Pause Squats (3 sec at bottom)
2. 3 sets x 3 Heavy Pull ups

*Rest As needed between sets

D. Gymnastics metcon

For Time


2 sets (Rest 2 min between sets)

10 Chest to bar
10 Pull ups
10 Bar Muscle ups (Jumping Muscle ups for women)
10 Dips on Bar

Scale Version 8 reps or 6 reps on second sets

E. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

Row 1000mt row

Remaining time amrap

10 Hang Power Clean @ 70%
25 Wall Balls

D. Core Training

3 sets of Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps
3 sets of weighted Hyperextensions 8 reps
Finish with Crossover symmetry

Σάββατο 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


Warm up with Hyperextensions /Hollow Rocks and a bit of Jump rope singles or Run

A. Interval Conditioning

5 sets of 500mt Row

Work to Rest/Ratio 1/1

During your rest Cross over symmetry Exercises

B. Strength

3-4 sets Build a heavy Back Squat 3-5 reps

C. Conditioning

To be decided at the box (exercises to choose from Jerk/OHS/Wall Ball/Swings/Bar muscle ups/Run)

D. Strength Accessory

3 circuits

1. Bench Press 5 reps
2. Ring Rows Strict 8 reps
3. Grip Work (45sec to 60 sec)

Πέμπτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

In 15 min establish a max Hang Squat Snatch or Max Snatch from Blocks

B. Strength

3 sets of

1. Snatch Balance x 3 reps Heavy
2. Strict Heavy Pull ups x 3-5 reps

C. Conditioning

Power Intervals

For Time

1. 20 reps of Touch and Go Power Snatch @60% or 60-50/40-30kg

Rest 1 min

2. 30 Chest to Bar pull ups. Rest 1 min

Rest 1 min

3. 40 Burpees over Bar

Rest 1 min

4. 50mt Handstand walk

Rest 3 min

D. Finisher

7 rnds of

20mt sled push 50/30kg
40mt Heavy Farmer walks

Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Clean +Clean sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min quickly build a heavy Clean and Jerk

Then 2 sets of the following Complex

High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+ Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Split Jerk

*1 set= 12 Reps without letting the bar check Video link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew08AgMtT2g).Rest as needed between sets

C.Strength/ Skill

3 sets of strict Deficit HSPU 3-5 reps immediately followed by 1- 3 Strict tempo Ring Dips (3sec down/2sec hold on low position/3sec up/2 sec Hold on Upper Position). Rest as Needed

Then for Time

21/15/9 reps

Kipping Ring Dips
Hspu (Strict or Kipping) use abmats to cushion your necks

D. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

20 Pistols or 20 heavy Lunges (50/30kg)
40 Box Jumps
60 du

E. Core work

4 super sets of

30-45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of  Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets

F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm

12 min of  Run or Row


A. Warm up mobility for Hips and Crossover symmetry 10 min

B. Strength/Skill

In 10 Mins Practise

Strict Toes to bar 5-10 reps
Handstand Balance

C. Conditioning

For Time

30 Toes to bar
15 Thrusters (70-60kg/50-45kg)

Rest 2 min

20 Toes to bar
25 Thrusters (60-50kg/40-35kg)

Rest 2 min

15 Toes to bar
30 Thrusters (45-35kg/30-25kg)

D. Intervals

6-5 sets of

300mt Run + 15 Burpees

Rest 90 sec between sets

E. Grip work 3-5 min

Κυριακή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 min

Cross over symmetry, Muscle Snatch +Snatch Balance + Sot Presses

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Hang Squat Snatch (Wave Loading)

1set @60% - 5 reps
2set @70% - 3 reps
3set @75%-  2 reps
4 set @80% - 2 reps
5 set @85%- 2 reps
6 set @75%- 3 reps
7 set @ 80%- 3 reps
8 set @ 85%- 1 rep

*Between Reps Rest 15 sec

C. Strength

1. 3 sets x 3 reps of Heavy Snatch Dead lifts
2. 3 sets x 1-2 reps of Legless Rope Climbs

*Rest As needed between sets

D. Gymnastics Pulling Test

For Time unbroken sets

1/2/3/4/5/6/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Rxd Version

1/2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1 Scale Version

* Or 10 min Practise Muscle ups

E. Conditioning

Workout Description:
Time cap: 10mins!
The Athlete starts the 2-part workout on 3-2-1-GO with part A being a 1000m. The Athlete will record the time it took to complete 1000m on the rower. He/she will then move over to part B and complete as many rounds and reps as possible within the remaining time of the 10mins. Part B consists of 4 handstand push-up followed by 8 deadlift and 12 box jump over.
Deadlift weight:
Individual: 100/60kg, 60cmBox/50cmBox

F. Core Work

3 super sets of

15 sec Lsit Hold
20 reps Weighted Hyperextensions 5-15kg
Rest 90 sec between super sets

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting (warm up using sot presses and snatch Balances

 In 15 min build a max Snatch From Blocks

B. Strength

3 sets @ 80% x 3 rep of Front Squat

C. Skill work

3 sets of Strict Toes to bar

21/15/9 reps for Time

Toes to bar
Hspu Kipping

D. Conditioning

Choose 2 exercises that you are weak and do a wod for 10 min

E. Core work 

Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength (warm up your shoulder and Hips)

In 15 min build a heavy :

1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 2 Close grip OHS

B. Skill work

Unbroken sets

21 C2PUps/ 50 du ,/ 18 c2b/45 du, 15 c2b/40du, 9c2b/35du

C. Conditioning

5 rnds of (Work to rest ratio 1: 1) :

5 Strict Hspu
10 Hang Power Snatch (45-40kg/30-25kg)
15 Swings (28-24/20-16kg)
20 Wall Balls
  1 Rope Climb (legless or not)

*During your recovery light rowing

D. Recovery Cool down + core work

Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength (Warm up using Hyperextensions and goodmorning 3 sets slow tempo controlled (3 sec descend/1sec  hold/2sec ascend) 8-10 reps

In 10 Min Build a Heavy Not Max Dead Lift

B. Conditioning

For Time 3 rnds

30 mt Handstand Walk
7 Power Snatch 60kg/40kg
6 Ring Muscle ups

C. Finisher

For Time

100mt Sled Push 20kg/10kg
10 + 10 Lunges 40/30kg
80mt Sled Push
8+8 Lunges
60mt Sled Push
6 + 6 Lunges

Δευτέρα 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 Min build a Heavy Not Max 2 repetition Snatch from Blocks

B. Conditioning

Fight Gone Bad

3rnds for max reps (1 mim amrapa per exercise)

1. Wall ball 9/6kg
2. SDLHP 35/25kg
3. Box Jumps 50 cm
4. Push press 35/25kg
5. Row for Kcal
6. Rest

C. Spend 6-10min Cool down and stretching 

Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 minutes build a 3RM Thruster and a 3RM (Perfect technique) Weighted Strict Pull up

B. Conditioning

The Athlete starts the workout on 3-2-1-GO with 21 chest-to-bar pull-up followed by 9 ground-to-overhead, 15 C2B, 6 GTOH, 9 C2B, 3 GTOH.
The score will be the time it took the athlete to complete the workout (when the last GTOH is locked out). NO TIME CAP.
GTOH weight:  80kg/55kg

Aerobic Tempo 1500mt easy Row

C. Accesory work 

Shoulder Symmetry

Σάββατο 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up and mobilize 10-15 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

1. In 15 min establish an 1Rm Snatch
2. In 15 min Establish an 1RM Clean and Jek
* option to establish it from blocks if your back is tired


In 10 min build a heavy 3Rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning MAX OUT EFFORTS

Min 0-1 : 21 Thrusters (50-40kg/40-30kg)
Min 1-2:  Rest
Min 2-3 : 21 Burpees (option over Bar)
Min 3-4 : Rest
Min 4-5 : 18 Thrusters
Min 5-6 : Rest
Min 6-7 : 18 Burpees
Min 7-9 : Rest
Min 9-10: 15 Thrusters
Min 10-11: Rest
Min 11-12: 15 Burpees

* For every rep you miss 2 burpees during rest

Rest 5 min

E. Finisher

For Time

100 Push ups Hands Release
*Every time you brake 40 Du

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up and stretch for 15 min in areas that you are stiff

B. Alternate Emom x 10

1. 3 Reps Touch and go Clean and push Jerk (start 65-75%) odd
2. 1 Trip Rope Rope Climb or Maximum Effort Ring Pull Up Hold *This means pulling all the way to sternum and holding, not just chin over rings, and in false grip

C. Strength

5 sets of Heavy Load

1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 2 OHS with Close grip

D. Conditioning

Amrap 24 Min at an aerobic Pace

400mt Run
30 Swings (24kg/16kg)
20 Pull ups
400mt Row
30 Jump over Box
20 Alternate Dumbell or Kb Snatch (20/15kg)

E. Supplementary Work

Accumulate 2 min on Rings Hang L sit hold

Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight lifting (Warm up using snatch balance and sot presses)

Every 90 sec x 5 sets

Snatch From Blocks (above knee) 2 reps medium to heavy intensity....Focus on fast transition

B. Skill

Handstand Balance and walk for 10 min

C. Conditioning

5rnds of

On the second minute

7 Power Snatches (50-45kg/35-30kg, or at 60-65% of your max), 14 Pistols, 50 du

D. Finisher

5 rnds for time

40mt sled push with 30/20kg (fast push)
50mt heavy Farmer walk

Rest 30 sec between rnds