Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2016

22.6.16 (Wednesday)

a. Olympic Weight Lifting Cycling

Build a Heavy 2RM Power Snatch

Then reduce weight (5-10kg) on every 30 sec x 3 min

Touch and go 3-4 reps of Power Snatch

Rest 2 min

Reduce more weight -Amrap 1 min Power Snatch

b. Strength

1. Dead Lift (add 5kg more than last week)

2 sets x 10 reps touch and go

2. 3 sets of 1 legless Rope Climb

C. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

50 du
40 Front Squats (40kg-30kg/30kg-25kg)
30 Pistols
20mt Handstand walk

D. Cool down

Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2016


Α. Olympic Weight Lifting

Fitness : Build a heavy Clean and Jerk For the Day

Then build a heavy DT Complex

Elite : Build a heavy Squat Snatch for the Day

B. Conditioning

Fitness : Cross Battle wod 1

Elite : Cross Battle wod 2

C. Strength

1.Back Squat

3-5 sets x 4 reps @ 80%

D. Core work

Δευτέρα 20 Ιουνίου 2016

20.6.16 (Monday)

A. Skill Emom

4 rnds of

Min 1:  2 Strict Muscle ups + 4 Kipping Muscle ups + 3-4 Flase grip Pull ups on Rings
Min 2:  40-50 du
Min 3:  2 Deficit Hspu + 4 Strict Hspu + 8 Kipping Hspu
Min 4 : Rest

B. Conditioning

Option 1: Practise wod 1

Option 2: Conditioning

On the 6th minute

3 rounds of 1000mt Run or Row

Rest 3 min

Alternate between fast and slow tempo 1800mt


400mt Run
200mt Jog or walk

Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2016

18.6.16 (Saturday)

A. Skill

Choose a skill and practise it  for 15 min (It can be mobility, Olympic Weight Liftings, Gymnastics etc)

B. Strength

Push Press or Bench Press


C. Conditioning

5rnds of

Min 0-1 : Amrap Burpees
Min 1-2: Rest
Min 2-3: Amrap Row for Kcal or Run for Distance
Min 3-4 :Rest
Min 4-5 : Amrap Jump Over Box
Min 5-6 : Rest

D. Core work

17.6.16 (Friday)

A. Speed and Skill

1. On every 30 sec x 3 reps

Shuttle sprint 2 x 25mt

3 sets Rest 3 min between sets (we want High Intensity on these)

2. On every minute x 6

35 du + 10-5 mt Handstand walk

B. Strength

1. Establish a Max OHS
2. Drop down to 85% and do 3 sets x 2-3 reps

C. Conditioning


Chest to bar pull ups

Rest 1 min


Pull ups
Lunges with 40kg/30kg (Held Overhead, in case your shoulder are tired do them with 2 KB Farmer style)

Τετάρτη 15 Ιουνίου 2016

15.6.16 (Wednesday)

a. Olympic Weight Lifting

1.Build a Heavy or Max for Day Power Clean and Push Jerk

2. Option 1 70% of your best 20 reps for time Power Clean and Jerk

    Option 2 Sprints 4 sets of 5 Clean and jerk @70-75% + 20 Box Jumps (Rest 90-120sec between sets)

*In case your shoulder are shore (Πιασμένοι) do only the Power Clean

b. Strength

Dead Lift (add 5kg more than last week)

3 sets x 10 reps touch and go

C. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

1 Rope Climb (try to use your legs and pull as high as you can)
30 Du

D. Cool down