Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Run at easy pace for 20-30 min
B. 3 sets x 15 reps of : Body weight Hyperextensions with pause 2 sec at top/ 3 sets x 6-8 reps (both arms) 1 arm kb (light weight) Overhead squat / 3 sets of renegade 5 reps per arm (contol descend)
C. Mobility and foam roll 15 min
D. Eat and have contrast baths or shower

Τρίτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. In 15 min establish a heavy or MAX (If you feel good only) Jerk

B. Skill / Strength

6 Rounds

Bar or Ring Muscle up 1 strict + 2 kipping/ 1 strict + 3 kipping / 1 strict + 4 kipping / option : 1 stict + 5 kipping or 6 kipping aim for unbroken /option : 1 stict + 6 kipping or 7 kipping /option : 1 stict + 7 kipping or 8 kipping

* if you can't muscle up then spend doing strengthening from box and hips to bar kipping

Rest 30 sec

Dead Lift x 6-8 reps @ 65% (ascending weight or keep the same depending how you feel) Controled descent

Rest 30-60 sec

C. Conditioning

3 or 4  rnds of mercy Amrap

Min 0-1 : Thrusters (40 or 30kg/ 30 or 20kg)
Min 1-2:  Row
Min 2-3 : Rope Climbs
Min 3-4 : Rest

Cool Down 1500mt easy row or run


A. Alternate Emom x 12

Power Clean 5 reps touch and go (ascending weight, build up to a point that you can't do 5 reps unbroken and then reduce weight by 5 or 10kg and continue) odd

Box Jumps 10/12 or 15 reps (60/50cm) even


Strict HSPU 5/4/3/2/1 rep + 1 set as many reps as possible same level as the 4th set i.e. start with the easiest level 1 ab mat 5 reps, no ab mat 4 reps, 5-10kg plates deficit 3 reps........ you can start with deficit depending on your strength

During rest

Jerk Dips 3 reps controled descend explode upwards (aim for 10-20kg above jerk rekord)

C. Conditioning

For Time

12/10/8/6/4 Kipping Hspu (you can use deficit)
4/8/12/16/20 Toes to bar

Rest 3-5 min

Interval Conditioning


30 sec on 10 sec off x  5 sets

Κυριακή 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. Alternate Front and Back squat e.g.

1 set 60% 2-3 reps Front squat
2 set 60 % 2-3 reps Back Squat
3 set 65-70% 2 reps Front Squat
4 set 65-70% 2 reps Back Squat
......continue building it up to
90% Front Squat 1 rep
90% Back Squat 1 rep... Then stop the front Squat and continue with Back Squat
95% 1 rep Back squat
100% 1 rep Back Squat
Break rekord (προσπάθεια για ρεκορ μια επανάληψη όλα για όλα, απο πίσω παρτενερ για spot), rest as needed between sets

C. Skill/Strength

3 sets of :

5 reps of weighted pull ups (Rest 45 sec) + 10 Chest to bar pull ups (Rest 30 sec) + 15 Pull ups

Rest as needed between sets

D. Conditioning

Amrap 7 min  Ladder 1/2, 2/4. 3/6......

Squat Snatch (60-70% depending on how you feel)
Burpee over Bar

Παρασκευή 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Conditioning

From 0-8 min : Emom x 3 OHS (ascending weight)
From 8-9 min : Rest
From 9-14 min : Amrap 15 OHS (40kg/25kg) + 15 Facing Bar Burpees
From 14-17 min : Rest
From 17- 27 min : On every second minute - 10 Dead Lifts (70/50kg) + 10 Box Jumps (70 or 60cm)
From 27-30 min : Rest

B. In teams of 2

3 rnds (when one person works the other rests)

40mt Sled (30kg)
40mt Lunges with 10kg plate overhead
400mt Run
40 empty bar Thrusters

Πέμπτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. In 15 minutes build a heavy complex of :

1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Front Squat + 1 jerk

B. Interval Conditioning

Amrap 1 min of Kipping Muscle ups
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min of Butterfly Pull ups
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min of Rope Climbs

Rest 3 min

Amrap 1 min Handstand walk (5mt distance)
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min Hspu Kipping
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min Kipping Ring Dips

Rest 3 min

Tempo Row

1000mt Row 80%
500mt Row Easy
750mt Row 80%
400mt Row Easy
500mt Row 80%
Cool Down


A. Recovery aerobic session
B. 20-30 min Light aerobic Activity
C. Stretch and Foam roll
D. Sleep and eat well

Τετάρτη 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Emom x 10

1 rep of Back Squat (weights as you feel DO NOT max out)

B. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

5 strict HSPU + 5 Kipping HSPU
5 Power Snatch (60-50kg/40-30kg)
5 burpees over bar

C. Cool down 1500mt easy Row

Τρίτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Alternate Emom x 10

5 reps Touch and Go Power Clean (ascending weight start from 60%) Odd
1 Strict Muscle up followed by 1-3 reps of kipping Muscle ups Even

B. Conditioning

3 rnds of

400mt run
100mt Sled Push (40kg/20kg)
20 Toes to bar

C. Core work

3 rounds of

10 Reps of weighted hyperextensions
10-15 sec Lsit

Δευτέρα 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Low week (21.9.15)

A. Warm up 10-15 min

B. In 10 minutes build a heavy (80%) Complex : 1 squat snatch (or power) + 1 Snatch Balance or (OHS)

C. Skill/Strength

 Emom x 6

3 Heavy Pull ups odd
5-10 Chest to bar butterfly pull ups (work on mechanics ) even

D. In team of 2

For Time 3 rnds (when one works the other rests)

50 wall ball
50 Push Press (@ 50-60%)
50 kcal Row
* On every second minute 5 burpees for both athletes

Σάββατο 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up  20 min usings complexes i.e. OHS+ Snatch Balance + Snatch Push Press + Kang Squats

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Power Snatch touch and go  15 sec rest 30 sec x 6 sets (60-70%) find a weight that you can go unbroken.

Rest 5-min

In 5 min build a heavy Snatch (NOT MAX)

C. Strength/skill

3 rnds

Complex Behind Neck 3 Strict Press + 2 push press + 1 Push Jerk

Rest 60 sec

Pistols (grab a weight) 6 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Amrap 15 min (aerobic tempo)

3 Bar muscle ups
15 Swings
80mt farmer walk

or Alternate Emom x 16

Min odd: 1-3 Bar muscle + 10-15 swings (you must finish at 45 sec)
Min even : 80mt Farmer walk

Rest 6-8 Hours

Stadium Surging Runs

Min 1- 8 = Zone 2-3
Min 8-9 = Zone 4
Min 9-13= Zone 3
Min 13-14 = Zone 4
Min 14-18 = Zone 3
Min 18-19 = Zone 4
Min 20- 25 = Zone 3-2

Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Front Squat 80% x 3-reps (first set) followed by 1 set of 85% x 3 reps followed by 1 set of 90% x 1-2 reps

Rest 60 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3-5 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning Emom x 9

Min 1 : 5mt-10mt Handstand walk + 1-2 trip of rope climb use legs
Min 2: 8 Front Squats + 3 jerks @ 60-70%
Min 3: Rest

Rest as needed, then

3 sets, rest 3 min between sets

In 4 min time cap threshold pace (80%)

Run 400mt
20 Hang power clean (45%-50% of best clean)
Remaining time burpees over bar

Τετάρτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Active Recovery

1. Swim or light aerobic activity 20min
2. Stretch and foam roll
3. Eat and sleep well
4. Contrast Baths
5. Pre rehab exercises i.e. shoulder bands


A. Warm up 20 min use handstand walks

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 3 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% (Of best muscle snatch)


Emom x 5  Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 3-5 reps

Rest 3 min then amrap 60 sec Power Snatch @ 55%

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 100- 115% of best clean 3 reps - 5 reps (Go slow on these)

Rest 60 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

For Time (Test)


21/15/9 reps

Deadlift (100kg/70kg)

Rest 5 min

Cool down 2000mt Row easy pace

Δευτέρα 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Morning Session

Run continuous zones 2-3 (aerobic restoration)

25 min

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

a. Warm up

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Clean and jerk (70%)

7-6 sets of Clean and jerk 15 sec touch and go rest 30 sec
* if you can not keep up with the pace reduce weight and continue

c. Strength and skill

3 rnds of

Snatch Balance 85% x 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

1-3 reps of Muscle ups (strict version) followed by 5-8reps strict version of ring dips (try to turn the arms outwards during the ascent )

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish the 3 rnds do ONE set of  1.30 min amrap Kipping Muscle ups

d. Conditioning

5-4 sets

On the Third minute (try to pace i.e. 18 push ups in 45 sec, 50 du in 45 sec, 12 Toes to bar in 30-45 sec , that leaves you with 45 sec rest, In case you can't keep up the pace reduce reps)

18 push ups
50 du
12 Toes to bar

Κυριακή 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


a. Warm up 20 min using related specific exercises


 Back Squat 2 sets x 2- 3 reps @ 85% + 2 set @ 90% 1-2 reps , rest as needed between sets

+ 1 set @ 75% as many reps as possible

c. Olympic weight Lifting

4 sets

Every 90 sec Full Snatch @ 75%  2 reps

d. Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Static/Isometric hold 12 sec Front Lever (tuck/flat tuck/ or straddle depending on your strength)

Rest 60 sec

5 reps Heavy Pull ups on pull up bar or on rings with semi false grip (aim bar/rings to touch chest)

Rest 90 sec

e. Conditioning

Amrap Intervals

15 reps Thrusters (40/30kg, 30/20kg)
15 reps pull ups

1 set amrap 40 sec (on every set start from the rep that you have stoped)
Rest 1 min
1 set amrap 35 sec
Rest 1.30 min
1 set amrap 30 sec
Rest 2 min
1 set amrap 25 sec
Rest 2.30 min
1 set amrap 20 sec

Rest 3 min

Cool down 1500mt  aerobic pace row on every 500mt 20 burpees over row

Παρασκευή 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up  20 min usings complexes i.e. OHS+ Snatch Balance + Snatch Push Press + Kang Squats

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

In 15 Minutes build a heavy Snatch (Not Max)

Rest 5-10 min

C. Strength/skill

3 rnds

Snatch Push Press 89 % 3 reps

Rest 60 sec

Pistols (grab a weight) 6 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Aerobic Plyo

Box Jumps 10 reps followed by 10 or 15 sec of rest x 5 min

Rest 3 min

Emom x 8

15-20 Hands Release Push ups odd
15-20 Swings even (28kg-20kg)

Rest 6-8 Hours

Stadium Surging Runs

Min 1- 8 = Zone 2-3
Min 8-10 = Zone 4
Min 10-13= Zone 3
Min 13-15 = Zone 4
Min 15-18 = Zone 3
Min 18-21 = Zone 4
Min 21- 25 = Zone 3-2


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Strength/Skill

4 rnds

Front Squat 80% x 3reps (first set) followed by 3 sets of 85% x 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

*When you finish the 3 rnds then 1 set of 1 min amrap rope climb use legs

C. Conditioning

For Time

7 rnds

5 Touch and go Clean and jerks (start from 60%, at every round add 5 kg, when you are not able to keep the touch and go reduce weight and continue)
35 unbroken du
6/4 pull ups
4/2 Chest to bar pull ups
2/1 Bar muscle up

Rest 1 min at the end of each round

Τετάρτη 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Choose a skill and practise it for 15 min

B. Conditioning

6 sets of

Power Clean and jerk 3-5 reps @ 70-75% (Touch and go reps)
400mt Run (tempo pace 1.30-1.50 min)

C. Cool Down for 10-15 min followed by stretcing

Τρίτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 4 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% (Of best muscle snatch)


Emom x 6  Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 3-5 reps

Rest 3 min then amrap 45 sec Power Snatch @ 60%

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 115-120% of best clean 4 reps - 6 reps

Rest 90 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

When you finish 1 (ONE ) set of  75 sec amrap Handstand Push ups kipping

C. Conditioning

Emom x 10

Handstand walk 10 mt or Handstand wall Runs 20-30 reps odd
30/40/50/60/70 DU (add 10 reps per round) even

Rest 3 min


For Time

3 rnds of

8 reps  @ 75% of best Front Squat
1 legless Rope climb
1 with legs

Κυριακή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


a. Warm up 20 min using related specific exercises


 Back Squat 3 sets x 3 or 4  reps @ 85% + 1 set @ 90% 1 rep , rest as needed between sets

c. Olympic weight Lifting

Every 90 sec Full Snatch @ 75% 3 sets x 3 reps + 2 sets @ 80% x 2 reps

d. Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Static/Isometric hold 12 sec Front Lever (tuck/flat tuck/ or straddle depending on your strength)

Rest 60 sec

4-5 reps Heavy Pull ups on pull up bar or on rings with semi false grip (aim bar/rings to touch chest)

Rest 90 sec

When you complete 3 rnds amrap 75 sec of kipping or butterfly pull ups

e. Conditioning

On the minute work x 12

5 Burpees + 5 Thrusters (45-35kg/ 30-20kg) odd
10 wall ball + 5 Ring Dips kipping even

Σάββατο 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Snatch (65-70%)

6 sets of Clean and jerk 10-12 sec touch and go rest 60 sec

Rest as needed in 10 minutes build a heavy (80-85%) Clean and Jerk

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Snatch Push Press 85-87% 3 reps

Rest 90 sec

Pistols heavy (grab a dumbell) 5 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish all 3 sets 1 min amrap alternating pistols

D. Conditioning

Amrap 4 min

Ladder 1/1,2/2....

Strict Hspu
Over Head Squat 40kg/25kg

Rest 3 min

Alternate Tabata 4 min

Kipping Hspu
Swings (28kg-20kg)

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Aerobic Run

4 sets

3 Min at zone 2-3
1 min at zone 4

Followed by 5-8 min cool down

Παρασκευή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Specific Warm up 3 sets of  the Following Complex

Muscle Clean + Push Jerk + Halting Dead Lift (2 sec up to first pull) + Hang Squat Clean

Then Emom x 6 reps

Clean and Jerk (ascending weight start from 60%) 1-3 reps

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Front Squat 85% x 2-3 reps

Rest 90 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3-5 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

*When you finish the 3 rnds then 1 set of 2 min amrap rope climb use legs

D. Conditiong

For Time

5 sets on the Third Minute

3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups or Burpee Chest to bar pull ups
15 wall Ball
20/15 Row Kcal

* In case you can not keep up reduce kcal in Row

Τετάρτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 3 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% + 1 OHS or Snatch Balance


Emom x 6 Full or Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 1-2 reps

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 115-120% of best clean 3 reps - 5 reps

Rest 90 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

When you finish 1 (ONE ) set of  1 min amrap Handstand Push ups kipping

C. Conditioning

Emom x 10

Handstand walk 10 mt or Handstand wall Runs 20-30 reps odd
Hang Power Clean 5 reps (add one rep per round) 55-65% even

Rest 3 min


Amrap 4 min

Ladder 1/1/2/2/3/3

Push Jerk @50-55%
Burpees over Bar