Δευτέρα 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Morning Session

Run continuous zones 2-3 (aerobic restoration)

25 min

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

a. Warm up

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Clean and jerk (70%)

7-6 sets of Clean and jerk 15 sec touch and go rest 30 sec
* if you can not keep up with the pace reduce weight and continue

c. Strength and skill

3 rnds of

Snatch Balance 85% x 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

1-3 reps of Muscle ups (strict version) followed by 5-8reps strict version of ring dips (try to turn the arms outwards during the ascent )

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish the 3 rnds do ONE set of  1.30 min amrap Kipping Muscle ups

d. Conditioning

5-4 sets

On the Third minute (try to pace i.e. 18 push ups in 45 sec, 50 du in 45 sec, 12 Toes to bar in 30-45 sec , that leaves you with 45 sec rest, In case you can't keep up the pace reduce reps)

18 push ups
50 du
12 Toes to bar

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