Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2016

22.6.16 (Wednesday)

a. Olympic Weight Lifting Cycling

Build a Heavy 2RM Power Snatch

Then reduce weight (5-10kg) on every 30 sec x 3 min

Touch and go 3-4 reps of Power Snatch

Rest 2 min

Reduce more weight -Amrap 1 min Power Snatch

b. Strength

1. Dead Lift (add 5kg more than last week)

2 sets x 10 reps touch and go

2. 3 sets of 1 legless Rope Climb

C. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

50 du
40 Front Squats (40kg-30kg/30kg-25kg)
30 Pistols
20mt Handstand walk

D. Cool down

Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2016


Α. Olympic Weight Lifting

Fitness : Build a heavy Clean and Jerk For the Day

Then build a heavy DT Complex

Elite : Build a heavy Squat Snatch for the Day

B. Conditioning

Fitness : Cross Battle wod 1

Elite : Cross Battle wod 2

C. Strength

1.Back Squat

3-5 sets x 4 reps @ 80%

D. Core work

Δευτέρα 20 Ιουνίου 2016

20.6.16 (Monday)

A. Skill Emom

4 rnds of

Min 1:  2 Strict Muscle ups + 4 Kipping Muscle ups + 3-4 Flase grip Pull ups on Rings
Min 2:  40-50 du
Min 3:  2 Deficit Hspu + 4 Strict Hspu + 8 Kipping Hspu
Min 4 : Rest

B. Conditioning

Option 1: Practise wod 1

Option 2: Conditioning

On the 6th minute

3 rounds of 1000mt Run or Row

Rest 3 min

Alternate between fast and slow tempo 1800mt


400mt Run
200mt Jog or walk

Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2016

18.6.16 (Saturday)

A. Skill

Choose a skill and practise it  for 15 min (It can be mobility, Olympic Weight Liftings, Gymnastics etc)

B. Strength

Push Press or Bench Press


C. Conditioning

5rnds of

Min 0-1 : Amrap Burpees
Min 1-2: Rest
Min 2-3: Amrap Row for Kcal or Run for Distance
Min 3-4 :Rest
Min 4-5 : Amrap Jump Over Box
Min 5-6 : Rest

D. Core work

17.6.16 (Friday)

A. Speed and Skill

1. On every 30 sec x 3 reps

Shuttle sprint 2 x 25mt

3 sets Rest 3 min between sets (we want High Intensity on these)

2. On every minute x 6

35 du + 10-5 mt Handstand walk

B. Strength

1. Establish a Max OHS
2. Drop down to 85% and do 3 sets x 2-3 reps

C. Conditioning


Chest to bar pull ups

Rest 1 min


Pull ups
Lunges with 40kg/30kg (Held Overhead, in case your shoulder are tired do them with 2 KB Farmer style)

Τετάρτη 15 Ιουνίου 2016

15.6.16 (Wednesday)

a. Olympic Weight Lifting

1.Build a Heavy or Max for Day Power Clean and Push Jerk

2. Option 1 70% of your best 20 reps for time Power Clean and Jerk

    Option 2 Sprints 4 sets of 5 Clean and jerk @70-75% + 20 Box Jumps (Rest 90-120sec between sets)

*In case your shoulder are shore (Πιασμένοι) do only the Power Clean

b. Strength

Dead Lift (add 5kg more than last week)

3 sets x 10 reps touch and go

C. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

1 Rope Climb (try to use your legs and pull as high as you can)
30 Du

D. Cool down

Δευτέρα 13 Ιουνίου 2016

14.6.16 (Tuesday)

A. Conditioning

3rnds (54 min in total)

Every Six minutes alternate

1. Run 1km
2. 3 Strict Muscle ups + 6 Kipping Muscle up + 12 Ring Dips + 24 Kipping HSPU + 48 Push ups
3. 25 Toes to bar + 25 OHS (50-40kg/40-30kg) + 500mt Row

B. Strength

Choose only one

1. Back squat 3/3/3/3 @80%
2. Push Press 3/3/3/3/ @80%

Σάββατο 11 Ιουνίου 2016

13.6.16 (Monday)

A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Warm up using Muscle Snatch/Closed Grip OHS/Snatch Balance

Then establish a max 2 RM (TNG) Squat Snatch

B. Strength

1. 3- 4 sets 3-5 Hollow Pull ups + 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 with Legs
2. 2 sets of Snatch Pulls TNG 5 reps @ 80% of best Snatch + 1 set of TNG 10 reps @ 70% of best Snatch

C. Conditioning


Amrap 9 min

15 DL (55kg-35kg)
15 Jump over Boxes
15 Hang Power Clean
20 Jump over Boxes
15 Shoulder to Overhead
25 Jump over Boxes


For Time

25 Thrusters (60-40kg)
50 Burpees over bar
75mt Handstand walk
100 DU

D. Cool Down or Extra Aerobic Work for those who need it

At an aerobic Pace (150bpm)

Run 1000mt
Rest 3 min
Run 800mt
Rest 2.5 min
Run 600mt
Rest 2 min
Run 400mt

*you must be able to keep up the pace in all rounds, if you can't it means you go above the aerobic threshold

Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2016

11.6.16 (Saturday)

A. Skill

Spend 15 min on a skill

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Build a heavy Split and Jerk + Push Jerk  and do 3 additional sets wave loading (reduce 5kg-10kg and on the next set you add again) or across loading (same weight)

C. Conditioning

On the 5th minute x 4 sets

20 OHS (40/30kg)
20 Jump over box
20 Wall Balls
20 Burpees

*Aim to finish under 4 min or 4min if you can not finish reduce reps

D. Stretch and core (10 min)

10.6.16 (Friday)


On the second minute x 7 sets

2 Full Snatches (ascending weight per set)
100mt Sprint
50 du

B. Strength

OHS or Snatch Balance x 3 reps x 5 sets @ 80%

C. Emom skill x 16 min

Min 1: Handstand walk
Min 2: 1 leg less + 1 with legs (try to bring yours legs as high as you can)
Min 3: Strict Deficit HSPU 3-5 reps
Min 4 : Rest

D. Core Work

Τρίτη 7 Ιουνίου 2016

8.6.16 (Wednesday)

A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Warm up with 3 reps each : Muscle Clean /Clean sot Press/ Tall jerk

Then build heavy,Clean from Blocks or Hang + 1 split jerk + 1 Push Jerk. Work at this weight for 2-3 sets

B. Strength and Accesory work

3rnds of :

1. Jerk Dips 2 reps @110% of best jerk or Push Press 3 reps @85%
2. Front Squat 3 reps @ 80%
3. Strict Toes to bar 5 reps
*Rest as needed between exercises


Fitness wod 1 (Cross Battle 6)

Elite wod 1 (Cross Battle 6)

D. Core work : Hollow and Static Hyperextension 2-3 min

Δευτέρα 6 Ιουνίου 2016

7.6.16 (Tuesday)

A. Conditioning

6 rnds of

Min 1: Run or Row 200mt
Min 2: 30 DU + 10 Kipping Hspu
Min 3: 15 Burpees
Min 4 : 2 Rope Climbs
Min 5 : Rest

B. Strength

 Dead lift : 

1 set x 20 reps @ 5kg more than last week
+ 3 sets x 10 reps @ 5kg more than last week
Rest as needed between sets

(οταν τα κιλα στις 20 επαναλήψεις σας φαίνονται πολλά τότε πέφτουμε στις 10 επαναλήψεις και ποτε δεν φτάνω στα όρια)

C. Metcon

Amrap 7 min 

15 Box Jumps
Unbroken Hang power Clean (70/50kg)

Κυριακή 5 Ιουνίου 2016

6.6.16 (Monday)

A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Warm up with the following complex, 3 reps per exercise :

Snatch Pull/Muscle Snatch/Sot Press/Snatch Balance

Then build full Snatch up to 90% and do sets

1 set @ 95%
2 set @ 85%
3 set @ 90%

or Go for max if you feel good and do 2 back off sets @85%

B. Strength

1.Back Squat 5 sets x 2 reps @80%)
2 5 sets x 3 position Muscle Up (Pull/transition/Extend and hold 2-3 sec at each position)

*Optional 5 sets of Hang Snatch Pulls x 5 reps @ 80% of best Snatch

C. Conditioning

For Time 21/15/9

Fran (post videos)

Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2016

4.6.16 (Saturday)

A. Mobility/Core

1.Inch worms 40 sec with pauses (20 sec in the forward position / 20 sec in the back position)
2. Chin to toes handstand on wall 3 x 45 sec
3. Hollow Rocks 3 sets x 30 sec

B. Skill

Spend 15 min on a skill practise

C. Speed Session

50mt x 2 Shuttle sprints @ 90% 4-5 Sets Rest 3-5 min between sets

D. Emom work

Min 1: Snatch Balance 3 reps @ 50%
Min 2: Snatch Balance 3 reps @ 60%
Min 3: Snatch Balance 2 reps @ 70%
Min 4: Snatch Balance 1 rep @ 75%
Min 5: Snatch Balance 1 reps @ 80%
Min 6: Snatch Balance 1 reps @ 80%
Min 7: Snatch Balance 1 reps @ 85%
Min 8: Snatch Balance 1-2 reps @ 75-80%

E. Conditioning

3 rnds of

10 Hang Power Clean (70kg-60kg/55kg-45kg)
20 Hands Release Push ups

D. Cool Down

Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου 2016

3.6.16 (Friday)

A. Strength/Olympic Weightlifting

Warm up using cross over symmetry.

1. Build 85% Jerk as Followed 2 Reps of Back Squat + 1 Rep of Split jerk from behind. 3 sets across with the same weight.

2. 3 Sets x 3 reps of Push Press + 1 Push jerk Heavy

B. Gymnastics Conditioning

In 7 min ladder


Butterfly chest to bar pull ups
Strict HSPU (all in one level, no abmat or 2 10kg plates and one abmat)

Rest 6 min

In 7 min Ladder

3/2/1, 6/4/2, 9/6/3, 12/8/4......

Kipping Hspu
Hands Release Push Ups
Kipping Ring Dips or Dips (Δίζυγο)

C. Conditioning

For Time

5 rnds of

10 Dead Lift ( 100-80kg/70-50kg)
10 Box Jumps (70/60cm)
10 Pistols alternate