Σάββατο 22 Αυγούστου 2015


a. Warm up

2 rnds o:

f15 reps of band face pulls
15 reps of Muscle Clean
15 reps of Handstand Shrugs close to wall
30 sec of Static False grip

b. Skill 
Muscle ups (warm up using false grip ring rows and ring dips go slow on these)
4 sets of Strict Version of muscle ups 3-5 reps, rest as needed between sets

c. Emom x10 Interval work

1. Power Clean and jerk touch and go 3-5 reps @ 60-70% odd minute
2. Kipping Muscle ups 2-3 reps ( or 7-8 unbroken toes to bar) even minute

d. Conditioning 
At an aerobic tempo amrap 15 min
20 Hands Release push ups
20 Butterfly pull ups
20 Lunges heavy or pistols
20 Jump over Box

e. Finisher 
3 sets of :
Row hard 1 min followed by easy row 45 sec

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