Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2015


Morning Session :

a. Warm up

2 rnds of

15 reps of band face pulls
15 reps of Muscle Clean
15 reps of Handstand Shrugs close to wall
30 sec of Static False grip

b. Skill - Handstand Push up

3 or 4 sets x 3 -5 reps at the most difficult level rest 45 sec after each set followed by unbroken Handstand Push ups. Rest 2 min between sets

c. Strength Olympic lifting

6 sets x Snatch first pull 3 sec followed by 2 sec pause at high hang position followed by High hang squat snatch....focus on technique and finding the correct angles at each position

d. Metcon

Amrap 12 min at 80% effort (try to rest 15 sec to 20 between exercises)

 8 Thrusters (50/30kg)
 3 Rope Climb
11 Jump over box

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

Run or Row

Cardiac Power Intervals

5 or 6 sets of

60 sec run at high intensity follwed by low jogging until heart rate drops to zone 2

Finish with stretching

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