Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic weight Lifting (warm up sot press/squat/push press etc)

 In exactly 15 min build a Heavy 2 position Squat Clean (knee and high hang) and jerks

B. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min (Tempo mode 2-2.30 min per rnd)

1 strict muscle up + 2 kipping muscle ups (1 legg less rope climb for those that can't)
4 Deficit or plain Hspu
6 Hang Power Clean 75/55kg (Rxd)
10 Toes to bar

C. Weakness Intervals

Week 2: 1 min Weakness A / 45 sec Rest / 1 min Weakness B /1.30 min Rest x 3

D. Accessory work

Max hang from rope right hand and left hand
3 sets of evil wheel 6-8 reps


a. Olympic Weight Lifting

In Exactly 15 min build a heavy 3 Position Full Snatch (Hang/midthigh/Bottom) You can rest 10-5 sec petween position if you want

Then reduce weight 5-10kg and  Emom x 4

2 Hang Snatches from mid thight


3 rnds of

1.Medium to Heavy 3rm Back Squat

Rest 60 sec

2. Heavy 3rm Pull ups

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

The Athlete Games 2016 - Qualifier 1

D. Accessory work

 3-4 x 20 reps of Hyperextensions with body weight
 90 sec accumulate Hollow hold

Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015

27 and 28.11.15

Options : Athletes can choose either to hit intensity on Friday or on Saturday

1. Medium Aerobic Workout

A. Barbell Cycling and Skill

Min 0-1 : 3- 4 touch and go Power Clean and Push Jerks (start from 60% ascending)
Min 1-2: 1 Muscle Up Negative *Perform with as much control as possible, lower to rings place toes on ground transition through and to kneeling OR Rest . Athletes that rest use higher intensities than athletes that practise skills

B. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

1 Strict press + 3 push press

C. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min at an aerobic pace (150bpm)

20 Jump over boxes
5 Muscle ups (scale from technique pull ups bars for women)
20 Kcal Row

E. Accessory work

Max hang hold on pull up bars
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

2. Intensity Workout

A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting In 30 min....

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat in as much less sets as you can

D. Conditioning

3 rnds of

All intervals have time cap of exactly 90 sec and rest 30 sec between

1. 10 HSPU (strict or deficit) + 10 Front Squat (70/50kg) + 10 Shoulder to Overhead


2. 50 du or 15 Kcal Row + 20 Swings (24/16kg)


3. 20 mt sled push (50-20kg) + 15-10 Burpees

Rest 1.30 min

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 6 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 70%, second set 4 reps @ 70%, third set 5 reps @ 70%, fourth set 3 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%.......

*in case you can not keep with the reps reduce weight and continue

C. Skill

Emom work

3 or 4 circuits

Min 0-1 : Handstand walk for distance or practise against wall
Min 1-2: Pistols (option to use weight) work up to 45 sec
Min 2-3 : Mobilize your shoulders sanding shoulder extension x 5 reps

D. Wod of the day

Rope Climb leg less
Hang Power Clean (70/50kg)

E. Accessory work

3 sets of ghd sit ups x 10 reps
6 sets of static Hyperextension weighted x 10 sec per rep

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Same as last week (Clean and Jerk)

On last sets aim to do more weight than last week

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

3-5 Strict Toes to bar
3-5 Strict HSPU Deficit go slow tempo on these

When you finish the above rnds One set of max amrap HSPU kipping

D. Conditioning

For Time

wod from Reebok CF Thessniki


Weakness Interval

Week 1: 1 min amrap Weakness A. / 1 min Rest / 1 min Amrap Weakness B/ 1.30 min Rest x 3

E. Core and grip

3 rnds of

5-10 Evil wheels
20 + 20 sec each arm from rope

Δευτέρα 23 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Check your facebook page (on last set 2-5kg more than last week)

C. Conditioning

With your Coach....by feel and by weakness

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 6-8 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 3 sec on top)
2. Weighted Hollow holds accumulate 2 min

Παρασκευή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting In 30 min....

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat in as much less sets as you can

D. Conditioning

Amrap 4 min

15 SDLHPL (50-30kg)
9 Burpees over bar

Rest 2 min

Amrap 4 min

7 Ring Dips
7 HSPU strict

Rest 2 min

Amrap 2 min DU

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Barbell Cycling

On the second minute for 5 sets

3 reps touch and go clean and push jerk (start from 70%)

B. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

1 Strict press + 3 push press

C. Conditioning

Amrap 25 min at an aerobic pace (150bpm)

1000mt Row
5-7 Muscle ups (scale 5 strict mu from box)

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

Τρίτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 7 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 70%, second set 4 reps @ 70%, third set 5 reps @ 70%, fourth set 3 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%.......

C. Conditioning

1. For Time

Amrap 10 min

1 Leg less Rope climb
10mt Handstand walk
1 Rope Climb with legs
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups

Rest 3 min

For Time

30 alternate Pistols
30 Front Squats (60/40kg)
30 mt Lunges with 25kg-20kg/15kg plate overhead

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Same as last week

On last sets aim to do more weight than last week

C. Strength/Skill

Not for Time

1 strict toes to bar
1 strict deficit HSPU
2 strict toes to bar
2 strict deficit HSPU
3 strict toes to bar
3 strict deficit HSPU
4 strict toes to bar
4 strict deficit HSPU
5 strict toes to bar
5 strict deficit HSPU
6 Toes to bar kipping
6 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
7 Toes to bar kipping
7 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
8 Toes to bar kipping
8 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
9 Toes to bar kipping
9 Strict HSPU with abmat or abmats
Unbroken Toes to bar kipping
Unbroken Kipping Hspu

D. Conditioning

For Time


Power Clean (60/40kg)
Jump over box (70/60cm)

3 rnds of

10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels

Δευτέρα 9 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Same as Last week, (on last set 2-5kg more than last week)

C. Conditioning

7 rnds of

7 Power Cleans (40/30kg)
7 Thrusters
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 1 min between rnds (During Rest perform 1-3 Heavy Strict Hollow Pull ups with weight between legs)

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 8-10 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 1 sec on top)
2. Sled push 30 mt (go heavy)

Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning

For Time

Amrap 14 min

20 Swings
7 Ring Muscle ups
2 Rope Climbs

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2015


Α. Warm up using the Following complex 3 sets x 5 reps per exercise

Muscle clean + Push Press + Clean sot Press

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 6 sets

Power Clean and Jerk touch and go 4-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 4 reps @ 70%, second set 5 reps @ 70%, third set 4 reps @ 75%, fourth set 5 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%
in case you can't keep up the reps reduce the weight.......

C. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

Complex Heavy 1 strict Press + 3 Push Press

D. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min

At an Aerobic pace (150bpm)

20 Burpees over Bar
20 OHS (30-20kg/15kg)
400mt Run
20 Burpees over Bar
20 OHS (30-20kg/15kg)
400mt Row

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

Τετάρτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 7 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 65%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 65%, second set 4 reps @ 65%, third set 5 reps @ 65%, fourth set 3 reps @ 70%, fifth set 4 reps @ 70%.......

C. Skill

3 rnds of

45 sec work handstnad walk or practise walking against wall
15 sec rest
45 sec Pistols alternate (try with weights)
15 sec rest

D. Conditioning

For Time 3 rnds of

15 Dead Lift (40-50% 1RM)
21 Box Jumps (70/60cm)

Rest 1 min between rounds

For Time 3 rnds of

500mt Row
Unbroken Ring Dips

Rest 1 min between rounds

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )

Τρίτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting see your facebook page

C. Strength/Skill

Alternate Emom x 8

1. 3-5 Strict Toes to bar tempo 2/1/3 odd minute
2. 3-5 Hspu Strict tempo 3 sec hold on top/ 2 sec hold on low position/ 1 sec ascend even (use appropriate level i.e. 1 ab mat/ 2 ab mats/ No ab mats/ Deficit.....

D. Conditioning

2 rnds of

In 3 minutes

100 du remaining time amrap Toes to bar

Rest 1 min

In 3 minutes

100 du remaing time amrap Hspu Strict unbroken followed by kipping

Rest 1 min

D. Accesory work

Accumulate 2 min of Flase grip work on ring or on pull ups bar

3 rnds of

10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels

Κυριακή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Check your facebook page

C. Conditioning

Emom x 12

1. Strict Hollow Pull ups 3 reps (start using body weight and add weight on every set without breaking technique, pull as high as you can- Odd minute
2. Amrap wall balls - Even minute (Goal is to reach 150 reps and more in 6 min)

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 10-12 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 1 sec on top)
2. Sled push 30 mt (go heavy)