A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top
B. Olympic Weight Lifting
Same as last week (Clean and Jerk)
On last sets aim to do more weight than last week
C. Strength/Skill
3 rnds of
3-5 Strict Toes to bar
3-5 Strict HSPU Deficit go slow tempo on these
When you finish the above rnds One set of max amrap HSPU kipping
D. Conditioning
For Time
wod from Reebok CF Thessniki
Weakness Interval
Week 1: 1 min amrap Weakness A. / 1 min Rest / 1 min Amrap Weakness B/ 1.30 min Rest x 3
E. Core and grip
3 rnds of
5-10 Evil wheels
20 + 20 sec each arm from rope
B. Olympic Weight Lifting
Same as last week (Clean and Jerk)
On last sets aim to do more weight than last week
C. Strength/Skill
3 rnds of
3-5 Strict Toes to bar
3-5 Strict HSPU Deficit go slow tempo on these
When you finish the above rnds One set of max amrap HSPU kipping
D. Conditioning
For Time
wod from Reebok CF Thessniki
Weakness Interval
Week 1: 1 min amrap Weakness A. / 1 min Rest / 1 min Amrap Weakness B/ 1.30 min Rest x 3
E. Core and grip
3 rnds of
5-10 Evil wheels
20 + 20 sec each arm from rope
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