A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top
B. Olympic Weight Lifting see your facebook page
C. Strength/Skill
Alternate Emom x 8
1. 3-5 Strict Toes to bar tempo 2/1/3 odd minute
2. 3-5 Hspu Strict tempo 3 sec hold on top/ 2 sec hold on low position/ 1 sec ascend even (use appropriate level i.e. 1 ab mat/ 2 ab mats/ No ab mats/ Deficit.....
D. Conditioning
2 rnds of
In 3 minutes
100 du remaining time amrap Toes to bar
Rest 1 min
In 3 minutes
100 du remaing time amrap Hspu Strict unbroken followed by kipping
Rest 1 min
D. Accesory work
Accumulate 2 min of Flase grip work on ring or on pull ups bar
3 rnds of
10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels
B. Olympic Weight Lifting see your facebook page
C. Strength/Skill
Alternate Emom x 8
1. 3-5 Strict Toes to bar tempo 2/1/3 odd minute
2. 3-5 Hspu Strict tempo 3 sec hold on top/ 2 sec hold on low position/ 1 sec ascend even (use appropriate level i.e. 1 ab mat/ 2 ab mats/ No ab mats/ Deficit.....
D. Conditioning
2 rnds of
In 3 minutes
100 du remaining time amrap Toes to bar
Rest 1 min
In 3 minutes
100 du remaing time amrap Hspu Strict unbroken followed by kipping
Rest 1 min
D. Accesory work
Accumulate 2 min of Flase grip work on ring or on pull ups bar
3 rnds of
10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels
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