Κυριακή 24 Ιανουαρίου 2016

25.1.16 (Monday)

Session 1:

A. Warm up with light weight or empty bar 2 sets x 3 reps in each Exercise

A. OHS x 5 reps (Down slow/ 2sec hold/down fast/ 2 sec hold up)
B. Snatch Pulls
C. Muscle Snatch
D. Power Snatch
E. Full Snatch

*For B/C & D : 3 sec hold in the starting position in B & 3 sec hold in the overhead position for C & D & 3 sec hold in the bottom position in E

B. Establish a max Complex in Snatch Pull and Full Snatch

C. Conditioning

For Time

3 rnds of

10 Power Snatches @ 60% /65%/70% (add 5% at every round)
30 Burpees over Bar

Session 2 :

D. Gymnastics strength

3 rnds of

1-3 Strict Muscle ups or From Box, Rest 30sec, 1 rep of legless Rope Climb, Rest 30 sec, 5 Reps of heavy Pull ups

Rest 2 min between rnds

Then 1 max rep set of unbroken Chest to bars kipping or Butterfly

E. Interval work

40 Kcal Row
Rest 1 min
35 Kcal Row
Rest 50 sec
30 Kcal Row
Rest 40 sec
25 Kcal Row
Rest 30 sec
20 Kcal Row
Rest 20 sec
10 Kcal Row

F. Core Work

Accumulate 2 min in each exercise

Hollow Hold

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