Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2016

27.1.16 (wednesday)

Session 1:

Α. Emom x 8 Strict Gymnastics

1. Strict Tempo Toes to bar 3-5 reps odd
2. Strict Tempo Ring Dips 5 reps even (3 sec down/1sec hold/ 2 sec up/ 1 sec Hold) even

Rest 2 min

Emom x 8 Kipping Gymnastics

1. 10-15 Toes to bar odd
2. 8-12 Ring Dips even

B. Barbell Cycling

With medium to heavy weight

On every 30 sec x 8 min

1 rep of Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS

Session 2:

C. Conditioning

For Time

3 rnds of

3 Rope Climbs
15 Dead Lifts (50%) or 15 heavy Swings
20 Box Jumps

D. Gymnastics Conditioning

For Time

60-80mt Handstand walk

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