Παρασκευή 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

6.2.16 (Saturday)

Session 1:

A. Conditioning

Surge Intervals Run or Row

8 rnds of

2 min medium row or run (150bpm) followed by 1 min hard row or Run (Close to threshold)

B. Skill

Choose a skill and practise it

Session 2: 

C. Gymnastics

Alternate Emom x 8

1. Ring Tempo push ups 3-5 reps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdr675BQu34) or
1. Ring Tempo Push ups maintaining turn out (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoiWsmqXA_U) odd minute

2.  Ring Rows Tempo 3-5 reps with feet on box (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puUkU80d2xY) even minute

D. Conditioning

Tempo Emom x 20

Min 1 : 21/17 Box Jumps (70-60cm/60-50cm)
Min 2 : 21/17 Swings (24-20kg/ 20-16kg)
Min 3 : 21/17 Burpees
Min 4 : 17/12 Power Snatch 50/40kg or @ 50 % of best Snatch
Min 5 : Rest

This should be work at threshold (just below of anaerobic, its a pace that you can hold for at least 3 min )

E. Cool Down and stretch

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