Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning

For Time

4 rnds

15 Pull ups ( 5 chest to bar + 10 Pull ups)
10 Hspu (prefer strict)
100mt Farmer walk (32-24kg/24-16kg)
50 du

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of L sit on parrallets 

Παρασκευή 30 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Warm up using the Following complex 3 sets x 5 reps per exercise

Muscle clean + Push Press + Clean sot Press

B. Emom x 7

2-3 touch and go Clean and jerk @65-70%

C. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

Complex Heavy 1 strict Press + 3 Push Press

D. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min

At an Aerobic pace (150bpm)

600 mt Run or Row
20 Wall Balls
5 Ring Muscle ups

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
3 sets of isometric 10-15 sec hold x 3-5 reps free hyperextensions

Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Emom x 7

Power Snatch touch and go 2-3 reps @ 70%

C. Skill

4 rnds of

30 sec work handstnad walk or practise walking against wall
30 sec rest
30 sec Pistols alternate (try with weights)
30 sec rest

D. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

30 jump over Box
15 Hang power clean (70-60kg/50kg-30kg)
2 Rope Climbs 1 legless + 1 with legs

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )


A. Warm up using 3-4 sets of Clean sot press 4-5 reps slow with pause on top using a light bar

B. Olympic Weight Lifting (Check the facebook page)

C. Strength Skill

3 rnds of

3-6 reps of tempo Strict toes to bar (3 sec up, 1 sec pause on top, 4 sec down, 1 sec pause on starting position) + 5-10 kipping toes to bar

Rest 90 sec

3-5 Strict Hspu at the most difficult Level that you can achieve

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning at Threshold pace 80%

3 Rnds

Work to Rest ratio 1: 1

500mt row
25 Burpees over Row

i.e. if it took you 3 min to finish it then you rest 3 min during your rest active rest single ropes of light row or light jogging

C. Accessory work

3 rnds

False grip static hold hang 90 sec accumulate
Reverse Hypers x 10 (hold 3 sec on top)
Renegade Rows x 10 (Hold 1 sec on top at each rep, contolled descend)

Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex 3 rnds of light weight

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind neck + 5 OHS or Snatch Balance + 5 Kang Squats

B.& C. : Check your facebook page

D. Conditioning

Choose your rep range (reps should be unbroken)

Emom from 0-3 min

10-7reps Thrusters (45-30/ 25-20kg) odd
10-5reps Kipping or butterfly pull ups even

Emom from 3-6 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
8-4 reps C2bar pull ups even

Emom from 6-9 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
5-3-1 Bar Muscle ups even

E. Core

3 sets of slow romanian deadlift x 5-6 reps medium weight
1 set accumulate 90 sec in hollow position

Παρασκευή 23 Οκτωβρίου 2015


a. Testing day

1. In 15 min establish an 1RM Snatch


2. In 15 min establish an 1RM clean and jerk

b. Conditioning

3 rnds of

500mt Row
1 legless + 1 with leg rope climb

c. Accesory work

3 sets of reverse hyperextensions with isometric hold 3 sec x 10 reps
Hollow hold isometric 2 min accumulate

Πέμπτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Τετάρτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength (warm up your back with goodmornings and your mobility)

Back squat , work up to heavy single. This is not a max attempt. Rep scheme 3/2/1/1/1/1/1

B. Emom x 10

5 reps Touch and go Power Snatch odd minute
20 mt Heavy sled even minute

C. Conditioning

Unbroken wall ball (9kg/6kg) Reps

Rest 2 min

Unbroken Toes to bar Reps

Rest 2 min

Unbroken Ring Dips

Finish with light aerobic work 8-10 min row or run

D. Accessory work

20 reps of Turkish get ups using an olympic bar

Τρίτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Clean and Clean sot presses 3 rep range

In 15 minutes build a heavy to medium 1 paused clean up to knee (3 sec hold) + 1 Clean from high hang position.

B. Emom x 8

1 push press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split jerk (medium to heavy weight ) odd
Technique Ring Muscle up reps 15 sec work even

C. Conditioning

Emom Death by Calories on Row

4 calories
6 calories
8 calories
10 calories
12 calories
14 calories
16 calories
17 calories
18 calories
continue adding one rep untill you can't keep the pace

D. Accesory work

Accumulate 2-3 min on L sit

Δευτέρα 19 Οκτωβρίου 2015

19.10.15 (Transitional low week)

A. Olympic weight lifting

On the second minute

Build a heavy complex of : 2 snatch paused deadlift to knee (3 sec count) + 1 paused Hang Squat Snatch from pockets

B. Condititioning /Gymnastics

For Time

15 Deficit HSPU
20 Chest to bar pull ups
15 Strict HSPU normal
20 Chest to bar pull ups
15 Kipping Hspu

immediately followed by

*Unbroken du -score

C.Accessory work

3 rnds of

3 x 10 sec static hold back extensions on ghd with weight behind neck
4 x 10 sec isometric evil wheel or plain (without wheel)
2 x 10-20 sec static hang grip on rope each arm 

Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Work up to a heavy Clean and jerk from Blocks (above knee) 2 Clean + 1 jerk. Then do 2 reps (2 x 2 cleans from blocks and 1 Jerk) of 95% from your final set and another 2 reps @ 90%

e.g If your Heavy set was 80 kg then 80 x 0.95 = 76kg and 80 x 0.90 = 72kg

*Note if you dont feel your shoulder very well just do the cleans but instead of doing 2 reps do 3 reps for all sets

B. Strength/skill

On every 90 sec alternate 4 rounds of

1. Push Press 3 reps or Clean Deadlift 5 rm (choose based on weakness)
2. Bar Muscle ups focusing on technique 1/2/3/4 or 5 bar Muscle ups

C. Conditioning

Amrap 9 min

Kb swings 20 (24-16kg/ 20-12kg)
Push ups 20 Hands Release
Wall Balls 20

Rest 5 min


3 attempts

Max score of Unbroken DU

D. Conditioning

Goodmorning 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Hollow isometric hold 2 min (if its too easy grab a light bar 2,5kg-5kg on your arms)

Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

Build a heavy (NOT MAX) Front Squat 1-2 reps. Then 2 back off sets 2-3 reps @ 85% and 80%

B. Skill/Strength

warm up using the following complex 5 reps

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Push Press Behind Neck

Then alternate Emom x 10

1. Power Snatch 3-5 reps touch and go focus on skill movement efficiency odd
2. 1 Leg less Rope climb to middle distance + 1 trip with legs even

C. Conditioning

For Time

2 rnds of

400mt run
14 Deficit or simple kipping HSPU
7 OHS (@60%)
400MT Row
14 Deficit or simple kipping HSPU
7 OHS (60%)

D. Accesory work

3 sets of farmer walk 100mt (every 25 mt hold 20 sec and continue) Grip work
3 sets  of ghd sit ups 6-10 reps


Α. Aerobic work 30-40 min at zone 2-3
B. Stretching and light core work 3 sets x 20 reps
C. Foam roll and contrast showers.
D. Sleep well

Τετάρτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Alternate Emom x 12 (ascending weight)

Goal is to build a heavy Jerk or Max (only if you feel good)

1. Jerk Dip x 2 reps (always 5-10kg above jerk)
2. Jerk 1-2 reps

B. Skill/ Strength

Test choose from :

1. Try to make a muscle up
2. 10 reps or 20 or 30 rep Muscle ups for time
3. 45 ring dips for time

C. Conditioning

5 rnds of

30 sec Dead Lift (50%)
30 sec Box Jumps
30 sec Rest

Rest and Row @ at an aerobic pace 2000mt

D. Accessory work

False grip on rings accumulate 90 sec
Hollow rock accumulate 2 min
Hyperxtension ismoteric hold accumulate 90 sec with light weight behind back

Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Muscle Snatch

Min 0-1 : 40% 3 reps
Min 1-2: 50% 3 reps
Min 2-3: 60% 3 reps
Min 3-4 :65% 3 reps
Min 4-5: 70% 3 reps
Min 5-6: Rest
Min 6-7: 75-80% 3 reps
Min 7-10 min : 2 back of sets at 5kg less than from last set
* percentage values are calculated from best Muscle Snacth 

Rest 3 min then

Snatch from high blocks or Hang : build a heavy (NOT MAX) 3RM : then reduce 5kg-7.5kg and execute 2 back off sets @ 2-3 res

B. Skill


Max reps HSPU strict version

Rest as needed

Max reps HSPU Kipping with 2 x 10kg plates and an abmat between

C. Conditioning

4 sets

On the 3 rd minute

20 Burpees + 15 Toes to bar + 10 pistols or weighted lunges

D. Accessory work

3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps
Accumulate 90-120 sec of L-sit hold

Δευτέρα 12 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

Test your Back Squat Strength 1 rep MAX + 2 back off sets @ 75-80% of your PR sets 4  reps


3 sets of

Heavy pull ups 3 reps rest as needed


Test butterfly pull ups or Chest to bar pull ups UNBROKEN Max score

C. Conditioning

Alternate Emom x 12

15-20 Row Kcal
60-70 du

D. Accessory Work

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 sets 6-8 reps with tempo 3020 (medium weight go easy on these)
Accumulate 2 min hang (1 min with left hand on top , 1 min with right hand on top) from rope
Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps 2-3 sets

Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Clean and Jerk (you can use power or squat clean or clean from blocks )

Work up to a heavy load 1 clean @ 2 Jerks 85% then : 1 set, 1 rep @ 80% if you make it proceed to 85%, if you make it proceed to 90%. Depending how you feel we will decide if you climb up, if you don't feel good we will stop @ 85%

B. Strength

3 rounds of

2 quikck jerk dips  + Push Press x 3 reps (try to add weight 2.5-5kg compared with previous week)

Rest 60 sec

Bent over Row x 5 reps

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

Amrap 7 min ladder

2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10.......

Dead Lift @ 50-60%
HSPU (1 strict + 1 kipping) i.e. on third round 3 reps of strict + 3 reps of kipping

D. Core work

3 sets of renegade rows x 12 reps
3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps

Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. In 15 min build a heavy Front Squat 2-1 reps. Then 3 back off sets @ 70-75 % 6-8 reps

C. Skill/Strength

3-4 rounds

3-5 reps per arm Czech Rope climb + 1 or 2 trips using legs

Rest 60 sec

3-5 Reps of Tall Jerk (κοντράρω στην μπάρα, δεν πρεσάρω)

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Alternate On every 2 minutes x 10sets (5 sets each)

1. 3-5 Bar Muscle ups + 8-12 Burpees +10- 12 Alternate one arm Dumbell Full Snatch (17.5kg-15kg/15-12kg)
2. Handstand walk for distance or Practise walking against wall

E. Assistance exercises

1. Goodmorning 3 sets x 8-10 reps, tempo 3020 (three second descend 2 second ascend)
2. Clean sot press light bar or plastic bar from front rack 3 sets x 5-6 reps
3. Grip work using a false grip on rings accumulate 120 sec hold (i.e. 30 sec work/ rest- repeat)

Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Push Jerk 2-3 reps, Then 6 sets @ heavy to medium load 2 reps Push or split jerk


3 rnds

1. 2 Jerk dips + 3 Push presses @ 75-80%

Rest 60 sec

2. 1 strict Muscle up on rings + 5 Kipping Muscle ups + 10-5 strict Ring dips on top

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

For Time

1000mt Row
50 Thrusters 20kg
30 pull ups

D. Accessory work

3 sets of 8-10 reps Goodmorning 3/0/2/0 tempo
2 sets of Renegade Row 12 reps slow tempo
250-300mt Farmer walk go heavy on these 

Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2015


a. Warm up using Sot Press 4-5 sets 3 reps start with empty bar and ascend

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Min 0-1 : 2 Snatch Balances
Min 1-2 : Rest and increase weight
Min 2-3 : 2 Snatch Balances
Min 3-4 : Rest and Increase weight
Min 4-5 : 2 Snatch Balances

Rest 3 min

On the second minute x 6 sets (ascending weight)

2 snatch pulls (start slow and maintain locked arms and back), while you aproach the pockets push the floor and explode upwards (Do not bent your arms, try to keep the bar close to the center of body)

Rest 15 sec

2 Full Snatches or ( 2 reps of 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS) stay on the low position for 2 secs


Strict HSPU 4/3/2/1 rep + 1 set as many reps as possible same level as the 3rd  set i.e. start with the easiest level 1 ab mat 4 reps, no ab mat 3 reps, 10-15kg plates deficit 2 reps........ you can start with deficit depending on your strength.

On the last set try to do more than last week

d. Conditioning

Emom x 10

10 Toes to bar + 5-10 Kipping HSPU

Rest 5 min

(Optional if you lack endurance on rowing machine)

Row 1000mt @ 80%
active rest for 2 min 
Row 750mt @ 75%
Cool down for 5 min

e. Accessory work

3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps
Accumulate 90-120 sec of L-sit hold

Κυριακή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 min build an 1 RM Heavy Back squat. When you reach your last set execute + 3 back off sets @ 75-70% of your PR sets 6-8 reps


3 sets of

Heavy pull ups 3 reps (rest 30 sec) + 10 Chest to bar pull ups ( 15 sec rest) + aim to Do more reps than last weeks pull ups

C. Conditioning

Alternate Emom  x 16

1. 5 Power Clean (60-75%) + 50 -30 Du Odd minute
2. 15-20 wall Balls Even minute

D. Accessory Work

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 sets 6-8 reps with tempo 3020 (medium weight go easy on these)
Accumulate 2 min hang (1 min with left hand on top , 1 min with right hand on top) from rope
Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps 2-3 sets

Παρασκευή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Emom x 18 min  Clean and Jerk (you can use power or squat clean )x

Min 0-1 : 60% or 30 kg below pr (easier version) x 5 reps
Min 1-2: 70% or 25kg below pr x 4 reps
Min 2-3 : 80% or 20kg below pr x 3 reps
Min 3-4 : 85% or 15kg below pr x 2 reps
Min 4-5 : 90 % or 10kg below pr x 1 reps
Min 5-6 : Rest and repeat for 3 rounds

B. Skill/Strength

3 rounds of

2 jerk dips (hold on dip and explode) + Push Press x 3 reps

Rest 60 sec

Bar muscle ups x 5 or more unbroken (aim to work up to 75-80% of your max effort)

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

2 rnds of 80% effort do not max out

In 3 min run 400mt remaining time pistols
Rest 1 min
In 3 min run 400mt remaining time chest to bar pull ups
Rest 1 min
In 3 min run 400mt remaining time Box Jumps
Rest 3 min

*Second round row 400mt-300mt instead of running 400mt (in case you feel tired don't do the second round)

D. Core work

3 sets of renegade rows x 12 reps
3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. Alternate Front and Back squat e.g.

1 set 60% 2-3 reps Front squat
2 set 60 % 2-3 reps Back Squat
3 set 65-70% 2 reps Front Squat
4 set 65-70% 2 reps Back Squat
......continue building it up to
90% Back Squat 1 rep
90% Front Squat 1 rep... Then stop the front Squat and continue with Back Squat
95% 1 rep Front squat
100% 1 rep Front Squat
Front rekord (προσπάθεια για ρεκορ μια επανάληψη όλα για όλα, απο πίσω παρτενερ για spot), rest as needed between sets.

C. Skill/Strength

3-4 rounds

3-5 reps per arm Czech Rope climb

Rest 60 sec

3-5 Reps of Tall Jerk (κοντράρω στην μπάρα, δεν πρεσάρω)

Rest 60 sec

D. Conditioning

On every 2 minutes x 6 sets

30mt sled push (40-20kg) + 15 swings + 10 Ring Dips

E. Assistance exercises

1. Goodmorning 3 sets x 10-12 reps, tempo 3020 (three second descend 2 second ascend)
2. Clean sot press light bar or plastic bar from front rack 3 sets x 5-6 reps
3. Grip work using a false grip on rings accumulate 90 sec hold (i.e. 30 sec work/ rest- repeat)