Κυριακή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2016

1/2/16 (Monday)

Session 1:

A. Warm up with light weight or empty bar 2 sets x 3 reps in each Exercise

A. OHS x 5 reps (Down slow/ 2sec hold/down fast/ 2 sec hold up)
B. Snatch Pulls
C. Muscle Snatch
D. Power Snatch
E. Full Snatch

*For B/C & D : 3 sec hold in the starting position in B & 3 sec hold in the overhead position for C & D & 3 sec hold in the bottom position in E

B. Establish a max Complex in Snatch Pull and Full Snatch
*Aim to lift 2,5 or 5kg more than the last time

C. Conditioning

Amrap 5 min

Power Snatch @65kg/45kg (or at 65%)
*Strategy the way you are going to do it i.e. Touch and go or 1 rep at a time?

Session 2:

C. Gymnastics Body Pyramids

3-4 rnds of

3 Strict HSPU Deficit/ 4 Strict HSPU / 5 Tempo Ring Dips/ unbroken HSPU Kipping

Rest 2 min between rnds and 30-15 sec between exercises

D. Conditioning

6 rnds of

On every 2nd minute

21/15(men)-15/12kcal(women) + 10 burpees over Row

*In case you can not keep up with the pace reduce the number of Burpees

E. Core

Accumulate 2 min of static Hollow Rock
Accumulate 2 min of Static Hyperextension on Ghd with light weight

Παρασκευή 29 Ιανουαρίου 2016

30/1/16 (Saturday)

A. Conditioning

For Time

(Time cap 25min)

5km Rowing

B. Olympic Strength

Option 1: Build a 2 rm Clean
Option 2: Build a heavy 2RM Clean from Blocks (in case your back is sore)

C. Conditioning

Amrap 5 min

5 Bar Muscle ups or (6 Ring Dips)
8 Squat Cleans @ 65%

D. Finisher

300 du * every time you brake 50mt Heavy Farmer walk or 50mt 30kg/20kg Sled push


100 Swings * every time you brake 50mt Heavy Farmer walk or 50mt 30kg/20kg Sled push

Πέμπτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2016

29.1.16 (Friday)

A. Warm up using Sot Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE9wGHgLp9c

5 sets x 5 reps, Keep your Body as vertical as you can. Go deep gradually, ο κάθε ένας ανάλογα με την ευλυγισία που κατέχει

Β. Strength

 Establish a 3 RM Split Jerk

Then 4 sets of 3RM Front Squat + 1 set back off set @ 90% from your last set

C. Conditioning

For Time


Shoulder to Overhead (70-50kg/50kg-30kg)
Chest to bar Pull ups

D. Core

For Time

50 Ghd Sit ups


75 Renegade Rows 15kg dumbells/10kg

Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2016

27.1.16 (wednesday)

Session 1:

Α. Emom x 8 Strict Gymnastics

1. Strict Tempo Toes to bar 3-5 reps odd
2. Strict Tempo Ring Dips 5 reps even (3 sec down/1sec hold/ 2 sec up/ 1 sec Hold) even

Rest 2 min

Emom x 8 Kipping Gymnastics

1. 10-15 Toes to bar odd
2. 8-12 Ring Dips even

B. Barbell Cycling

With medium to heavy weight

On every 30 sec x 8 min

1 rep of Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS

Session 2:

C. Conditioning

For Time

3 rnds of

3 Rope Climbs
15 Dead Lifts (50%) or 15 heavy Swings
20 Box Jumps

D. Gymnastics Conditioning

For Time

60-80mt Handstand walk

Δευτέρα 25 Ιανουαρίου 2016

26.1.16 (Tuesday)

A. Strength Complex

 In 15 min quickly build a heavy (NOT MAX) Bear Complex

B. Interval Emom x 8 Work

5-3 Bear Complexes @ 60% (aim to finish at no more than 45 sec) odd
50 -60 Du even

C. Conditioning

For Time

1000mt Run
35 Front Squats (50/40kg)
35 HSPU Strict (you can use deficit)

Rest 3 min

For Time

100 wall ball (9kg/6kg)
*every time you brake 20 hands release push ups penalty

D. Cool Down aerobic restoration 7-8 min

Κυριακή 24 Ιανουαρίου 2016

25.1.16 (Monday)

Session 1:

A. Warm up with light weight or empty bar 2 sets x 3 reps in each Exercise

A. OHS x 5 reps (Down slow/ 2sec hold/down fast/ 2 sec hold up)
B. Snatch Pulls
C. Muscle Snatch
D. Power Snatch
E. Full Snatch

*For B/C & D : 3 sec hold in the starting position in B & 3 sec hold in the overhead position for C & D & 3 sec hold in the bottom position in E

B. Establish a max Complex in Snatch Pull and Full Snatch

C. Conditioning

For Time

3 rnds of

10 Power Snatches @ 60% /65%/70% (add 5% at every round)
30 Burpees over Bar

Session 2 :

D. Gymnastics strength

3 rnds of

1-3 Strict Muscle ups or From Box, Rest 30sec, 1 rep of legless Rope Climb, Rest 30 sec, 5 Reps of heavy Pull ups

Rest 2 min between rnds

Then 1 max rep set of unbroken Chest to bars kipping or Butterfly

E. Interval work

40 Kcal Row
Rest 1 min
35 Kcal Row
Rest 50 sec
30 Kcal Row
Rest 40 sec
25 Kcal Row
Rest 30 sec
20 Kcal Row
Rest 20 sec
10 Kcal Row

F. Core Work

Accumulate 2 min in each exercise

Hollow Hold

Παρασκευή 22 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Conditioning

Run or Row

Interval @ 80-85% at Threshold / Active recovery @ 65-70%

1000mt @ Threshold - 500mt Active Recovery
  800mt @ Threshold - 400mt Active Recovery
  600mt @ Threshold - 300mt Active Recovery
  400mt @ Threshold - 200mt Active Recovery

B. Conditioning (Prior to wod Crossover symmetry)

With a Running Clock

a. At the 0:00 min

For Time

21/15/9 reps

Strict Pull ups (option chest to bar)
Strict HSPU (option Deficit)

b. At the 8.00 min

For Time

100 Hands Release Push ups
* First time you brake 20 du , second time you brake 30 du, third time you brake 40 du.....

c. At the 16 min

Amrap 10 min

40mt Heavy Lunges (20kg each arm)
40mt Sled (40/30kg)
  2 Rope Climbs with legs

Πέμπτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Strength

In 15 min build a heavy Snatch Balance

Then 3 sets of

8/6/4 reps

of Back Squat

B. Skill work

Emom x 8

Handstand Walk x 5-10mt (try to put some 360 degrees turns) odd
Tempo Ring Dips  3sec down/ 1 sec hold/ 2 sec up/ 1 sec hold 3-5 reps even

C. Conditioning


Min 0-5 :

10 Clean and Jerk @ 75% or 60/40kg
20 Jump over Box

Rest 5-6 min

Min 6-11 :

10 Clean and jerks @ 65% or 50/30kg
15 Jump over Box

Rest 11-12min

Min 12-17 :

10 Clean and jerks @  55% or 40/25kg
10 Jump over Box

Rest 17- 19

Min 19-21 : Amrap Ring Muscle ups or Ring Dips Kipping

D. Core Work

Accumulate 2 min of Hollow Rock
3-4 Sets or reverse weighted hyperextensions 10 reps

Τρίτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Quickly build a heavy Power Snatch

Then Emom Alternate x 10

1. 5 Power Snatch @70-75% odd
2. 15 Chest to bar Pull ups even (10reps try to be chest to bar and the rest pull ups) even

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

5 reps of Snatch Heavy Pulls
Handstand Balance 30 sec accumulate

C. Conditioning Tempo Intervals

Emom work x 16 min

Min 1: 15-21 Kcal Row
Min 2: 50-75 du (unbroken)
Min 3: 15-21 Burpees over Bar
Min 4: Run 150mt active recovery

*try to reach your threshold mode (not easy and not very very hard---HARD is the key)

D. Finisher

60/40 Toes to bar ....every time you brake 100mt Heavy farmer walk

Δευτέρα 18 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Warm up using crossover Symmetry and Clean sot Press

Β. Olympic Weight Lifting

 Establish a max 3RM Squat Clean and Jerk (you can rest 15 sec between reps)

Then drop to 80-75% of your last set and do 2-3 dop sets of the following Complex  3 touch and go Squat Cleans and 3 Power Jerks (first do the squat cleans and then the jerks)
C. Skill/Strength


3 rnds

30 sec Strict Hspu
30 sec Rope Climb (Legless)
30 sec Rest

D. Conditioning

For Time

50 wall Balls
40 OHS (60/40kg or 60 %)
30 Pistols alternate

E. Core work

L sit  accumulate 2 min
Weighted Hyperextensions 10 reps x 3 reps

Τετάρτη 13 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Conditioning

For Time

Run 5000mt every 1000mt 30 Hands Release Push ups

Rest and stretch for 10 min

B. Conditioning

For Time

100 Swings or Dumbell Snatch alternate (30-24kg/20-16kg)

*Every time you brake

40mt Farmer walk with dumbells or Kettlebells


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Work up to 65% of your Best Clean and jerk in 10 min


Emom x 5 every 30 sec : 3 touch and Clean and jerk @70%

Then Rest for 3 min

For Time 20 reps touch and go Clean and Jerk @ 60kg or -10kg from your 70%

B. Conditioning

For Time

30 OHS (60-50kg/40-30kg)
15 Bar Muscle ups (for every Muscle up 2 pull ups and 2 rning dips)
20  OHS
10 BMU
10 OHS

C. Emom Pace

15 Min

Min 1 :  15-18 Kcal Row
Min 2 :  15-18 Box Jumps
Min 3 :  10-15 Ring Dips or Dips on parallel bars


A. Strength

 7 rnds of Paused Heavy (2-3sec) Front Squats 1-2 reps every 90 sec

B. Olympic Weight Lifting/Skill

Alternate Emom x 10

1. 7 Snatch Dead Lifts + 5 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (heavy load) odd
2. 5-10mt Handstand Walk even

C. Conditioning

For Time

60 Kcal Row
40 Toes To bar
30 Thrusters (45/30kg)
20 Facing Bar Burpees

D. Interval Work

2 rnds

30 Hollow Rocks
20 Heavy Renegade Rows
10 GHD Sit ups

Rest 3 min

Τρίτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Warm up using Cross over symmetry and Clean sot Presses x 3 reps

B. Anaerobic Conditioning

Sprints of

For Time


Clean and Jerk (@ 70-75%
Strict (Deficit HSPU)

Rest 3 min

For Time

Hang Power Clean and Jerk @ 65-70%
Leg Less Rope Climbs

C. Conditioning

Alternate : On the 2nd minute x 6

Run 200mt + 15 Kipping Hspu or strict with abmat and Two 10kg plates
Sled Push 50mt (30kg/20kg) + 20 Alternate Heavy Lunges or Pistols     

Κυριακή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016


Session 1:

A. Emom x 8 (ascending weight)

1-2 Heavy squat Snatches 

B. Strength

3 sets x 3 reps Snatch Balance
3 sets x 3 reps Back Squat

C. Skill/Strength

2 Sets of heavy Pull ups
1 Set of unbrkoken Chest to bar pull ups

D. Conditioning

For Time 



Ring Muscle ups (scale for exery Mu 2 pull ups + 2 ring Dips)
Squat Snatches (60kg/40kg)

Session 2:

A. Conditioning 

In 5 minutes Row 1000mt Remaining time Burpees over Row
Rest 5 min
In 4 minutes 100 wall balls Remaining time Hands Release Push ups
Rest 4 min
In 3 min 150  du Remaining time Hang Power Clean 70/60kg

B. Core Work

4 sets of Goodmorning x 8 reps
4 sets of sit ups with medball behind neck x 6-8 reps

Παρασκευή 8 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Power Lifting

5 sets :

20mt Heavy Push Sled
Horizontal Bench Press 6-8 reps
(Every time you do a set for the Bench Press Do a horizontal Row as a super set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSq-Aon--x4)

Rest as needed Between sets

B. Yasso Intervals

3 rnds of :

800mt Run
Row exactly the same time it took you to complete the 800mt active recovery

C. Emom x 20

Min 1 : 15 Burpees
Min 2:  15 x 10mt shuttle sprints
Min 3:  15 Jump over Box
Min 4:  15 kcal Row
Min 5:  Amrap Rope Climb

D. Active Recovery and Stretching

Πέμπτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Olympic weight Lifting

In 10 min quickly build a Heavy OHS

Then 20 reps @ 80-65kg/50-40kg or @ 70% of your best OHS

B. Skill/Strength

3 sets of

1. Strict Muscle ups + max Ring Dips strict
2. Strict Toes to bar + unbroken Toes to bar

Rest as needed between sets

C. Conditioning

At an aerobic pace 20 min amrap

Ladder 1/1/1,2/2/2.....

Muscle up or (Jumping Muscle up)
Push Jerk 80/60kg or @ 70-75% of your best jerk
Front Squat 80/60kg or the same weight as your jerk

*On every 4th minute 100 Double Unders

D. Accesory work

Accumulate 2 min Grip work on rope or on Rings
3 Sets of 10-15 reps of Weighted Reverse Hyper (with med ball between your legs)

Τετάρτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Strength Endurance

In 10 Min quickly build a heavy Clean warm up style for wod

Then For Time

20 reps @80kg/60kg or @ 75-70%

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

7 Dead Lifts (90-120kg/80-60kg)
20 Alternate Pistols

C. Conditioning

On the Third Minute x 5 sets

20/15 Kcal Row + 20 Pull ups + 25 Hands Release Push ups

D. Core work

Rengade Rows x 10 reps 4 sets
Hollow Hold 2 min accumulate 

Τρίτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2016


a. Olympic Weight Lifting

In 15 min build a heavy complex

1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks

b. Skill/Strength

2 sets of max strict HSPU (use deficit )


For Time

40mt Farmer walk
10 Strict Hspu
40mt Farmer Walk
8 Strict Hspu
40mt Farmer walk
2 Strict Hspu

c. Conditioning

For Time

3 rnds of

50 wall balls
25 Box Jumps (70-60cm/60-50cm)

Every time you brake the wall balls 40 du

e. Accessory work

3 sets of Bench press 6-8 reps
3 sets of Weighted Hyperextensions 10-15 reps

Κυριακή 3 Ιανουαρίου 2016


Session 1 :

A. Strength Endurance 

For Time Isabel 

30 Power Snatch (61/43kg)

B. Strength/Skill

5 sets for Time :

3 Heavy Pull ups + 1 Leg less Rope Climb + 2 Rope Climbs .

Rest 2 min between sets

C. Interval Conditioning

4 rnds of 

20 kcal Row
20 Burpees over Row

Rest 90 sec between rounds

Session 2:

A. Strength for Snatch

4 heavy sets of 3 Push Press Behind neck press + 3 Paused OHS

B. Strength for Snatch

Build a heavy 3 rm Snatch Grip Pause at knee (3sec) followed by an extension

C. Strength 

Build a heavy 3 rm Front Squat

D. L-sit accumulate 2 min of work

Σάββατο 2 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Warm up

At an aerobic Pace 2000mt Row

B. Strength

Back Squat across

3-4 sets x 3-5 reps @ 80-85%

Then Chooose Front or Back

4 sets @50% 15 reps every 90 sec

C. Skill work

1. Accumulate 1 min of free Handstand Balance


2.Every 90 sec x 5 sets

Handstand walk 5mt or10mt or15mt

D. Conditioning

For Time

1500mt Row
50 pistols alternate
50 ghd Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 SDHPL (60-50kg/40-35kg)
50 Jump over Box (70/60cm)
150 Du

E. Core work