Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using 3-4 sets of Clean sot press 4-5 reps slow with pause on top using a light bar

B. Olympic Weight Lifting (Check the facebook page)

C. Strength Skill

3 rnds of

3-6 reps of tempo Strict toes to bar (3 sec up, 1 sec pause on top, 4 sec down, 1 sec pause on starting position) + 5-10 kipping toes to bar

Rest 90 sec

3-5 Strict Hspu at the most difficult Level that you can achieve

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning at Threshold pace 80%

3 Rnds

Work to Rest ratio 1: 1

500mt row
25 Burpees over Row

i.e. if it took you 3 min to finish it then you rest 3 min during your rest active rest single ropes of light row or light jogging

C. Accessory work

3 rnds

False grip static hold hang 90 sec accumulate
Reverse Hypers x 10 (hold 3 sec on top)
Renegade Rows x 10 (Hold 1 sec on top at each rep, contolled descend)

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