Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Clean +Clean sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min quickly build a heavy Clean and Jerk

Then 2 sets of the following Complex

High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+ Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Split Jerk

*1 set= 12 Reps without letting the bar check Video link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew08AgMtT2g).Rest as needed between sets

C.Strength/ Skill

3 sets of strict Deficit HSPU 3-5 reps immediately followed by 1- 3 Strict tempo Ring Dips (3sec down/2sec hold on low position/3sec up/2 sec Hold on Upper Position). Rest as Needed

Then for Time

21/15/9 reps

Kipping Ring Dips
Hspu (Strict or Kipping) use abmats to cushion your necks

D. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

20 Pistols or 20 heavy Lunges (50/30kg)
40 Box Jumps
60 du

E. Core work

4 super sets of

30-45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of  Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets

F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm

12 min of  Run or Row

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