A. Olympic Weight Lifting
Warm up with :Muscle Clean/ Paused Front Squat/Push Press/ Clean Sot Presses
Then build 85% Clean and Jerk (work 3 sets across @85% 2 reps with 30 sec rest)
*In case your shoulder feel weak work only your clean
B. Strength
Back Squat 6 sets x 5 reps @ 80%
C. Conditioning
Emom x 3-4 rnds
Min 1: 8 - 10 Power Snatch (60% or above you choose the weight)
Min 2: 3-5 Ring Muscle ups + 5 Ring Dips
Min 3: Amrap sled for Distance (40kg/30kg)
Min 4: Rest
D. Cool Down
Warm up with :Muscle Clean/ Paused Front Squat/Push Press/ Clean Sot Presses
Then build 85% Clean and Jerk (work 3 sets across @85% 2 reps with 30 sec rest)
*In case your shoulder feel weak work only your clean
B. Strength
Back Squat 6 sets x 5 reps @ 80%
C. Conditioning
Emom x 3-4 rnds
Min 1: 8 - 10 Power Snatch (60% or above you choose the weight)
Min 2: 3-5 Ring Muscle ups + 5 Ring Dips
Min 3: Amrap sled for Distance (40kg/30kg)
Min 4: Rest
D. Cool Down
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