Τρίτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2016


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

Quickly build a heavy Power Snatch

Then Emom Alternate x 10

1. 5 Power Snatch @70-75% odd
2. 15 Chest to bar Pull ups even (10reps try to be chest to bar and the rest pull ups) even

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

5 reps of Snatch Heavy Pulls
Handstand Balance 30 sec accumulate

C. Conditioning Tempo Intervals

Emom work x 16 min

Min 1: 15-21 Kcal Row
Min 2: 50-75 du (unbroken)
Min 3: 15-21 Burpees over Bar
Min 4: Run 150mt active recovery

*try to reach your threshold mode (not easy and not very very hard---HARD is the key)

D. Finisher

60/40 Toes to bar ....every time you brake 100mt Heavy farmer walk

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