Κυριακή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2016

1/2/16 (Monday)

Session 1:

A. Warm up with light weight or empty bar 2 sets x 3 reps in each Exercise

A. OHS x 5 reps (Down slow/ 2sec hold/down fast/ 2 sec hold up)
B. Snatch Pulls
C. Muscle Snatch
D. Power Snatch
E. Full Snatch

*For B/C & D : 3 sec hold in the starting position in B & 3 sec hold in the overhead position for C & D & 3 sec hold in the bottom position in E

B. Establish a max Complex in Snatch Pull and Full Snatch
*Aim to lift 2,5 or 5kg more than the last time

C. Conditioning

Amrap 5 min

Power Snatch @65kg/45kg (or at 65%)
*Strategy the way you are going to do it i.e. Touch and go or 1 rep at a time?

Session 2:

C. Gymnastics Body Pyramids

3-4 rnds of

3 Strict HSPU Deficit/ 4 Strict HSPU / 5 Tempo Ring Dips/ unbroken HSPU Kipping

Rest 2 min between rnds and 30-15 sec between exercises

D. Conditioning

6 rnds of

On every 2nd minute

21/15(men)-15/12kcal(women) + 10 burpees over Row

*In case you can not keep up with the pace reduce the number of Burpees

E. Core

Accumulate 2 min of static Hollow Rock
Accumulate 2 min of Static Hyperextension on Ghd with light weight

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