Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016

19.3.16 (Saturday)

A. Warm up with the following Complex

3-4 rnds of

3 Front Squat + 3 Clean Sot Press + 3 Split Jerk Behind Neck

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

On every 90 sec 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk x  5 sets (work your way up to 80%)


On every 2nd minute 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk x 3 sets @80-85%

C. Russian Cycle Back Squat

3 sets only

D. Gymnastics

On the Minute work

4 cycles

Min 1: 3 x Heavy Hollow Strict Chest to bar pull ups (use light weight only if you can do 5 perfect Hollow Strict Chest to bar pull ups) Hold 1-2 sec up

Min 2: Practise Pistols

Min 3: Legless Rope Climb 1 ascent

Min 4: Rest
E. Conditioning

Lactic Acid Power and capacity Intervals

Choose 2 or 3 exercises that you have a muscular endurance weakness, (ειδικά όταν τις βάζετε μαζί δλδ σε ζευγάρι ασκήσεων) i.e. Thrusters and Pull ups. The load of the weight should always be at 50-60% of Max 1RM. The reps should be at 15-20. For Thrusters and pull ups for an athlete with a thruster at 80kg max 1RM the program will be as follows:

In one minute perform 20 reps of 40kg thrusters and 20 pull ups as fast as possible. Rest 90 sec between sets repeat another 2 times. Second set might be 15 reps and third set might be 12 reps Rest 6-8 Minutes and repeat for another couplet or triplet using different exercises 

3-4 rnds of :

/ 1 min Amrap (Choose weakness A)/
/ 1 min Rest / 
/ 1 min amrap (choose weakness B) / 
/ Rest 1.30 min/

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