Δευτέρα 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

2.2.16 (Tuesday)

A. Warm up with light weight 40% or empty bar 2 sets x 3 reps in each Exercise

A. Clean Pull
B. Muscle Clean
C. High Hang Power Clean
D. Hang Power Clean

B. Olympic Strength

Emom x 15

1-2 ascending Heavy to max Hang Power Clean

C. Metcon

For Time

3 rnds of

20 Toes to bar
80 du
20 Jump over box (60/50cm)

D. Gymnastics

Unbroken Reps 3 sets of  each station:

a.1 Strict Muscle up followed by 3-5 kipping Muscle ups
b. 5 Heavy Pull ups
c. 1+1/2 Legless Rope Climbs (you climb up, go down without your feet touching the ground and rope and again on the half distance of rope)

Rest as needed between sets

E. Finisher

In teams of 2 tag :

For Time

Run 2400mt

While one runs 400mt, the other farmer walks for distance 20mt shutlle walk

Score Time completed - the distance i.e. 10.00 min = 600 sec, for every 20mt of farmer walk substract 10 sec, so if you have completed 300mt of farmer walk = 300/20 = 15 x 10 sec (for every 20 sec) = 150......600sec - 150sec= 450 sec

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