Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Snatch +snatch sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min quickly build a heavy 3 position Snatch

1. Hang Squat Clean
2. Below Knee
3. From Ground

C.Strength/ Skill

3 sets of :

1. Strict Toes to bar 5 reps
2. Snatch Balance 3 reps

Rest as needed between sets

Then for Time 

In pairs of 2

100 Toes to bar + 100 OHS (50% of Snatch Balance)

i.e. Athlete 1 does 10 toes to bar, then athlete 2 does 10 toes to bar......

D. Conditioning

On the 2 nd minute x 6 sets

15 Swings
  3 Ring Muscle ups or 6 Ring Dips
  6 Power Snatch (60/45-40kg)

*In case you don't finish in 90 sec reduce weight 

E. Core work

4 super sets of

45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of  Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets

F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm

12 min of  Run or Row

Τρίτη 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min build a heavy 2-3 Rm Push Jerk

 Followed by

3 sets of  3 reps of Jerk dips 5-10kg above record. Short and Fast Dip and Drive

B. Strength /skill

1. 3 sets of max Strict Hspu deficit
2. 2 sets of unbroken  Kipping Deficit HSPU
3. 1 set of unbroken HSPU Kipping (Normal)

Rest as needed between sets.. During rest stretch your shoulders with pvc pipe

C. Conditioning

For Time

2 rnds of

60 du
30 Push press (45/30kg)
60 du
30 Box Jumps (60cm/50cm)

On every 2 minutes 1 leg less Rope Climb

Rest 5 min

Interval  Rowing

3-4 sets

1 Min Hard Rowing - 2 Min Medium Rowing

D. Core and Grip Training

Accumulate 2 min in False grip on Rings
Accumulate 2 min Lsit on Rings

Κυριακή 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 min

Cross over symmetry, Muscle Clean +Front Squat  + Hip Mobility

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Clean (Wave Loading)

1set @60% - 5 reps
2set @70% - 3 reps
3set @75%-  2 reps
4 set @80% - 2 reps
5 set @85%- 2 reps
6 set @75%- 3 reps
7 set @ 80%- 3 reps
8 set @ 85%- 2 rep

*Between Reps Rest 15 sec

C. Strength

1. 3 sets x 3 reps of Heavy Front Pause Squats (3 sec at bottom)
2. 3 sets x 3 Heavy Pull ups

*Rest As needed between sets

D. Gymnastics metcon

For Time


2 sets (Rest 2 min between sets)

10 Chest to bar
10 Pull ups
10 Bar Muscle ups (Jumping Muscle ups for women)
10 Dips on Bar

Scale Version 8 reps or 6 reps on second sets

E. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

Row 1000mt row

Remaining time amrap

10 Hang Power Clean @ 70%
25 Wall Balls

D. Core Training

3 sets of Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps
3 sets of weighted Hyperextensions 8 reps
Finish with Crossover symmetry

Σάββατο 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


Warm up with Hyperextensions /Hollow Rocks and a bit of Jump rope singles or Run

A. Interval Conditioning

5 sets of 500mt Row

Work to Rest/Ratio 1/1

During your rest Cross over symmetry Exercises

B. Strength

3-4 sets Build a heavy Back Squat 3-5 reps

C. Conditioning

To be decided at the box (exercises to choose from Jerk/OHS/Wall Ball/Swings/Bar muscle ups/Run)

D. Strength Accessory

3 circuits

1. Bench Press 5 reps
2. Ring Rows Strict 8 reps
3. Grip Work (45sec to 60 sec)

Πέμπτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

In 15 min establish a max Hang Squat Snatch or Max Snatch from Blocks

B. Strength

3 sets of

1. Snatch Balance x 3 reps Heavy
2. Strict Heavy Pull ups x 3-5 reps

C. Conditioning

Power Intervals

For Time

1. 20 reps of Touch and Go Power Snatch @60% or 60-50/40-30kg

Rest 1 min

2. 30 Chest to Bar pull ups. Rest 1 min

Rest 1 min

3. 40 Burpees over Bar

Rest 1 min

4. 50mt Handstand walk

Rest 3 min

D. Finisher

7 rnds of

20mt sled push 50/30kg
40mt Heavy Farmer walks

Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 Min Muscle Clean +Clean sot Press + Shoulder Symmetry activation

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

 In 10 min quickly build a heavy Clean and Jerk

Then 2 sets of the following Complex

High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+ Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean (from pockets) + Hang Squat Clean (above Knee)+ Squat Clean+Split Jerk

*1 set= 12 Reps without letting the bar check Video link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew08AgMtT2g).Rest as needed between sets

C.Strength/ Skill

3 sets of strict Deficit HSPU 3-5 reps immediately followed by 1- 3 Strict tempo Ring Dips (3sec down/2sec hold on low position/3sec up/2 sec Hold on Upper Position). Rest as Needed

Then for Time

21/15/9 reps

Kipping Ring Dips
Hspu (Strict or Kipping) use abmats to cushion your necks

D. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

20 Pistols or 20 heavy Lunges (50/30kg)
40 Box Jumps
60 du

E. Core work

4 super sets of

30-45 sec Hollow Hold paired with 20 reps of  Renegade Rows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpTBj4ilZw) 17.5kg-15kg / 15kg-10kg. Rest as Needed Between sets

F. Aerobic Pace <150bpm

12 min of  Run or Row


A. Warm up mobility for Hips and Crossover symmetry 10 min

B. Strength/Skill

In 10 Mins Practise

Strict Toes to bar 5-10 reps
Handstand Balance

C. Conditioning

For Time

30 Toes to bar
15 Thrusters (70-60kg/50-45kg)

Rest 2 min

20 Toes to bar
25 Thrusters (60-50kg/40-35kg)

Rest 2 min

15 Toes to bar
30 Thrusters (45-35kg/30-25kg)

D. Intervals

6-5 sets of

300mt Run + 15 Burpees

Rest 90 sec between sets

E. Grip work 3-5 min

Κυριακή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 10 min

Cross over symmetry, Muscle Snatch +Snatch Balance + Sot Presses

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Hang Squat Snatch (Wave Loading)

1set @60% - 5 reps
2set @70% - 3 reps
3set @75%-  2 reps
4 set @80% - 2 reps
5 set @85%- 2 reps
6 set @75%- 3 reps
7 set @ 80%- 3 reps
8 set @ 85%- 1 rep

*Between Reps Rest 15 sec

C. Strength

1. 3 sets x 3 reps of Heavy Snatch Dead lifts
2. 3 sets x 1-2 reps of Legless Rope Climbs

*Rest As needed between sets

D. Gymnastics Pulling Test

For Time unbroken sets

1/2/3/4/5/6/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Rxd Version

1/2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1 Scale Version

* Or 10 min Practise Muscle ups

E. Conditioning

Workout Description:
Time cap: 10mins!
The Athlete starts the 2-part workout on 3-2-1-GO with part A being a 1000m. The Athlete will record the time it took to complete 1000m on the rower. He/she will then move over to part B and complete as many rounds and reps as possible within the remaining time of the 10mins. Part B consists of 4 handstand push-up followed by 8 deadlift and 12 box jump over.
Deadlift weight:
Individual: 100/60kg, 60cmBox/50cmBox

F. Core Work

3 super sets of

15 sec Lsit Hold
20 reps Weighted Hyperextensions 5-15kg
Rest 90 sec between super sets

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting (warm up using sot presses and snatch Balances

 In 15 min build a max Snatch From Blocks

B. Strength

3 sets @ 80% x 3 rep of Front Squat

C. Skill work

3 sets of Strict Toes to bar

21/15/9 reps for Time

Toes to bar
Hspu Kipping

D. Conditioning

Choose 2 exercises that you are weak and do a wod for 10 min

E. Core work 

Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength (warm up your shoulder and Hips)

In 15 min build a heavy :

1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 2 Close grip OHS

B. Skill work

Unbroken sets

21 C2PUps/ 50 du ,/ 18 c2b/45 du, 15 c2b/40du, 9c2b/35du

C. Conditioning

5 rnds of (Work to rest ratio 1: 1) :

5 Strict Hspu
10 Hang Power Snatch (45-40kg/30-25kg)
15 Swings (28-24/20-16kg)
20 Wall Balls
  1 Rope Climb (legless or not)

*During your recovery light rowing

D. Recovery Cool down + core work

Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength (Warm up using Hyperextensions and goodmorning 3 sets slow tempo controlled (3 sec descend/1sec  hold/2sec ascend) 8-10 reps

In 10 Min Build a Heavy Not Max Dead Lift

B. Conditioning

For Time 3 rnds

30 mt Handstand Walk
7 Power Snatch 60kg/40kg
6 Ring Muscle ups

C. Finisher

For Time

100mt Sled Push 20kg/10kg
10 + 10 Lunges 40/30kg
80mt Sled Push
8+8 Lunges
60mt Sled Push
6 + 6 Lunges

Δευτέρα 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 Min build a Heavy Not Max 2 repetition Snatch from Blocks

B. Conditioning

Fight Gone Bad

3rnds for max reps (1 mim amrapa per exercise)

1. Wall ball 9/6kg
2. SDLHP 35/25kg
3. Box Jumps 50 cm
4. Push press 35/25kg
5. Row for Kcal
6. Rest

C. Spend 6-10min Cool down and stretching 

Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 minutes build a 3RM Thruster and a 3RM (Perfect technique) Weighted Strict Pull up

B. Conditioning

The Athlete starts the workout on 3-2-1-GO with 21 chest-to-bar pull-up followed by 9 ground-to-overhead, 15 C2B, 6 GTOH, 9 C2B, 3 GTOH.
The score will be the time it took the athlete to complete the workout (when the last GTOH is locked out). NO TIME CAP.
GTOH weight:  80kg/55kg

Aerobic Tempo 1500mt easy Row

C. Accesory work 

Shoulder Symmetry

Σάββατο 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up and mobilize 10-15 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

1. In 15 min establish an 1Rm Snatch
2. In 15 min Establish an 1RM Clean and Jek
* option to establish it from blocks if your back is tired


In 10 min build a heavy 3Rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning MAX OUT EFFORTS

Min 0-1 : 21 Thrusters (50-40kg/40-30kg)
Min 1-2:  Rest
Min 2-3 : 21 Burpees (option over Bar)
Min 3-4 : Rest
Min 4-5 : 18 Thrusters
Min 5-6 : Rest
Min 6-7 : 18 Burpees
Min 7-9 : Rest
Min 9-10: 15 Thrusters
Min 10-11: Rest
Min 11-12: 15 Burpees

* For every rep you miss 2 burpees during rest

Rest 5 min

E. Finisher

For Time

100 Push ups Hands Release
*Every time you brake 40 Du

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up and stretch for 15 min in areas that you are stiff

B. Alternate Emom x 10

1. 3 Reps Touch and go Clean and push Jerk (start 65-75%) odd
2. 1 Trip Rope Rope Climb or Maximum Effort Ring Pull Up Hold *This means pulling all the way to sternum and holding, not just chin over rings, and in false grip

C. Strength

5 sets of Heavy Load

1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 2 OHS with Close grip

D. Conditioning

Amrap 24 Min at an aerobic Pace

400mt Run
30 Swings (24kg/16kg)
20 Pull ups
400mt Row
30 Jump over Box
20 Alternate Dumbell or Kb Snatch (20/15kg)

E. Supplementary Work

Accumulate 2 min on Rings Hang L sit hold

Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic Weight lifting (Warm up using snatch balance and sot presses)

Every 90 sec x 5 sets

Snatch From Blocks (above knee) 2 reps medium to heavy intensity....Focus on fast transition

B. Skill

Handstand Balance and walk for 10 min

C. Conditioning

5rnds of

On the second minute

7 Power Snatches (50-45kg/35-30kg, or at 60-65% of your max), 14 Pistols, 50 du

D. Finisher

5 rnds for time

40mt sled push with 30/20kg (fast push)
50mt heavy Farmer walk

Rest 30 sec between rnds

Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Olympic weight Lifting (warm up sot press/squat/push press etc)

 In exactly 15 min build a Heavy 2 position Squat Clean (knee and high hang) and jerks

B. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min (Tempo mode 2-2.30 min per rnd)

1 strict muscle up + 2 kipping muscle ups (1 legg less rope climb for those that can't)
4 Deficit or plain Hspu
6 Hang Power Clean 75/55kg (Rxd)
10 Toes to bar

C. Weakness Intervals

Week 2: 1 min Weakness A / 45 sec Rest / 1 min Weakness B /1.30 min Rest x 3

D. Accessory work

Max hang from rope right hand and left hand
3 sets of evil wheel 6-8 reps


a. Olympic Weight Lifting

In Exactly 15 min build a heavy 3 Position Full Snatch (Hang/midthigh/Bottom) You can rest 10-5 sec petween position if you want

Then reduce weight 5-10kg and  Emom x 4

2 Hang Snatches from mid thight


3 rnds of

1.Medium to Heavy 3rm Back Squat

Rest 60 sec

2. Heavy 3rm Pull ups

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

The Athlete Games 2016 - Qualifier 1

D. Accessory work

 3-4 x 20 reps of Hyperextensions with body weight
 90 sec accumulate Hollow hold

Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015

27 and 28.11.15

Options : Athletes can choose either to hit intensity on Friday or on Saturday

1. Medium Aerobic Workout

A. Barbell Cycling and Skill

Min 0-1 : 3- 4 touch and go Power Clean and Push Jerks (start from 60% ascending)
Min 1-2: 1 Muscle Up Negative *Perform with as much control as possible, lower to rings place toes on ground transition through and to kneeling OR Rest . Athletes that rest use higher intensities than athletes that practise skills

B. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

1 Strict press + 3 push press

C. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min at an aerobic pace (150bpm)

20 Jump over boxes
5 Muscle ups (scale from technique pull ups bars for women)
20 Kcal Row

E. Accessory work

Max hang hold on pull up bars
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

2. Intensity Workout

A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting In 30 min....

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat in as much less sets as you can

D. Conditioning

3 rnds of

All intervals have time cap of exactly 90 sec and rest 30 sec between

1. 10 HSPU (strict or deficit) + 10 Front Squat (70/50kg) + 10 Shoulder to Overhead


2. 50 du or 15 Kcal Row + 20 Swings (24/16kg)


3. 20 mt sled push (50-20kg) + 15-10 Burpees

Rest 1.30 min

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 6 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 70%, second set 4 reps @ 70%, third set 5 reps @ 70%, fourth set 3 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%.......

*in case you can not keep with the reps reduce weight and continue

C. Skill

Emom work

3 or 4 circuits

Min 0-1 : Handstand walk for distance or practise against wall
Min 1-2: Pistols (option to use weight) work up to 45 sec
Min 2-3 : Mobilize your shoulders sanding shoulder extension x 5 reps

D. Wod of the day

Rope Climb leg less
Hang Power Clean (70/50kg)

E. Accessory work

3 sets of ghd sit ups x 10 reps
6 sets of static Hyperextension weighted x 10 sec per rep

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Same as last week (Clean and Jerk)

On last sets aim to do more weight than last week

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

3-5 Strict Toes to bar
3-5 Strict HSPU Deficit go slow tempo on these

When you finish the above rnds One set of max amrap HSPU kipping

D. Conditioning

For Time

wod from Reebok CF Thessniki


Weakness Interval

Week 1: 1 min amrap Weakness A. / 1 min Rest / 1 min Amrap Weakness B/ 1.30 min Rest x 3

E. Core and grip

3 rnds of

5-10 Evil wheels
20 + 20 sec each arm from rope

Δευτέρα 23 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Check your facebook page (on last set 2-5kg more than last week)

C. Conditioning

With your Coach....by feel and by weakness

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 6-8 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 3 sec on top)
2. Weighted Hollow holds accumulate 2 min

Παρασκευή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting In 30 min....

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat in as much less sets as you can

D. Conditioning

Amrap 4 min

15 SDLHPL (50-30kg)
9 Burpees over bar

Rest 2 min

Amrap 4 min

7 Ring Dips
7 HSPU strict

Rest 2 min

Amrap 2 min DU

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Barbell Cycling

On the second minute for 5 sets

3 reps touch and go clean and push jerk (start from 70%)

B. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

1 Strict press + 3 push press

C. Conditioning

Amrap 25 min at an aerobic pace (150bpm)

1000mt Row
5-7 Muscle ups (scale 5 strict mu from box)

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

Τρίτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 7 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 70%, second set 4 reps @ 70%, third set 5 reps @ 70%, fourth set 3 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%.......

C. Conditioning

1. For Time

Amrap 10 min

1 Leg less Rope climb
10mt Handstand walk
1 Rope Climb with legs
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups

Rest 3 min

For Time

30 alternate Pistols
30 Front Squats (60/40kg)
30 mt Lunges with 25kg-20kg/15kg plate overhead

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Same as last week

On last sets aim to do more weight than last week

C. Strength/Skill

Not for Time

1 strict toes to bar
1 strict deficit HSPU
2 strict toes to bar
2 strict deficit HSPU
3 strict toes to bar
3 strict deficit HSPU
4 strict toes to bar
4 strict deficit HSPU
5 strict toes to bar
5 strict deficit HSPU
6 Toes to bar kipping
6 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
7 Toes to bar kipping
7 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
8 Toes to bar kipping
8 Strict HSPU with abmat or without
9 Toes to bar kipping
9 Strict HSPU with abmat or abmats
Unbroken Toes to bar kipping
Unbroken Kipping Hspu

D. Conditioning

For Time


Power Clean (60/40kg)
Jump over box (70/60cm)

3 rnds of

10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels

Δευτέρα 9 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Same as Last week, (on last set 2-5kg more than last week)

C. Conditioning

7 rnds of

7 Power Cleans (40/30kg)
7 Thrusters
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 1 min between rnds (During Rest perform 1-3 Heavy Strict Hollow Pull ups with weight between legs)

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 8-10 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 1 sec on top)
2. Sled push 30 mt (go heavy)

Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning

For Time

Amrap 14 min

20 Swings
7 Ring Muscle ups
2 Rope Climbs

E. Accessory work

Farmer walk 100mt every 20 mt hold for 20 sec
3 sets x 8-10 medium to light goodmornings

Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2015


Α. Warm up using the Following complex 3 sets x 5 reps per exercise

Muscle clean + Push Press + Clean sot Press

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 6 sets

Power Clean and Jerk touch and go 4-5 reps start from 70%

i.e. first set 4 reps @ 70%, second set 5 reps @ 70%, third set 4 reps @ 75%, fourth set 5 reps @ 75%, fifth set 4 reps @ 75%
in case you can't keep up the reps reduce the weight.......

C. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

Complex Heavy 1 strict Press + 3 Push Press

D. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min

At an Aerobic pace (150bpm)

20 Burpees over Bar
20 OHS (30-20kg/15kg)
400mt Run
20 Burpees over Bar
20 OHS (30-20kg/15kg)
400mt Row

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
Accumulate 90 sec of L sit parallets

Τετάρτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Every 90 sec x 7 sets

Power Snatch touch and go 3-5 reps start from 65%

i.e. first set 3 reps @ 65%, second set 4 reps @ 65%, third set 5 reps @ 65%, fourth set 3 reps @ 70%, fifth set 4 reps @ 70%.......

C. Skill

3 rnds of

45 sec work handstnad walk or practise walking against wall
15 sec rest
45 sec Pistols alternate (try with weights)
15 sec rest

D. Conditioning

For Time 3 rnds of

15 Dead Lift (40-50% 1RM)
21 Box Jumps (70/60cm)

Rest 1 min between rounds

For Time 3 rnds of

500mt Row
Unbroken Ring Dips

Rest 1 min between rounds

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )

Τρίτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Clean sot Press 3-4 sets x 4-5 reps (go a little bit heavier than last week) with pause on the top

B. Olympic Weight Lifting see your facebook page

C. Strength/Skill

Alternate Emom x 8

1. 3-5 Strict Toes to bar tempo 2/1/3 odd minute
2. 3-5 Hspu Strict tempo 3 sec hold on top/ 2 sec hold on low position/ 1 sec ascend even (use appropriate level i.e. 1 ab mat/ 2 ab mats/ No ab mats/ Deficit.....

D. Conditioning

2 rnds of

In 3 minutes

100 du remaining time amrap Toes to bar

Rest 1 min

In 3 minutes

100 du remaing time amrap Hspu Strict unbroken followed by kipping

Rest 1 min

D. Accesory work

Accumulate 2 min of Flase grip work on ring or on pull ups bar

3 rnds of

10 Reverse Hypers medium weight or without
5-10 Evil wheels

Κυριακή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex :

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind Neck + 5 Snatch Balances + 5 Kang Squats

* on the last set 2,5-5kg more than last week

B. Olympic weight lifting

Check your facebook page

C. Conditioning

Emom x 12

1. Strict Hollow Pull ups 3 reps (start using body weight and add weight on every set without breaking technique, pull as high as you can- Odd minute
2. Amrap wall balls - Even minute (Goal is to reach 150 reps and more in 6 min)

D. Accessory work

3 rnds of :

1. 10-12 weighted Hyperextensions (pause 1 sec on top)
2. Sled push 30 mt (go heavy)

Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using complex Muscle Snatch + Sot Presses + Snatch Balances + kang squats

B. Olympic weight Lifting

1. Establish a max Snatch
2. Establish a max Clean and Jerk
* Note in case you have a slow transition clean from blocks above knee height

C. Strength

Quickly build a  heavy 3 rm Front Squat

D. Conditioning

For Time

4 rnds

15 Pull ups ( 5 chest to bar + 10 Pull ups)
10 Hspu (prefer strict)
100mt Farmer walk (32-24kg/24-16kg)
50 du

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of L sit on parrallets 

Παρασκευή 30 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Warm up using the Following complex 3 sets x 5 reps per exercise

Muscle clean + Push Press + Clean sot Press

B. Emom x 7

2-3 touch and go Clean and jerk @65-70%

C. Strength

4 sets of heavy load

Complex Heavy 1 strict Press + 3 Push Press

D. Conditioning

Amrap 20 min

At an Aerobic pace (150bpm)

600 mt Run or Row
20 Wall Balls
5 Ring Muscle ups

E. Accessory work

Accumulate 2 min of rope hang each arm
3 sets of isometric 10-15 sec hold x 3-5 reps free hyperextensions

Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Snatch 3-4 sets x 3 reps

B. Barbell Cycling

Emom x 7

Power Snatch touch and go 2-3 reps @ 70%

C. Skill

4 rnds of

30 sec work handstnad walk or practise walking against wall
30 sec rest
30 sec Pistols alternate (try with weights)
30 sec rest

D. Conditioning

Amrap 12 min

30 jump over Box
15 Hang power clean (70-60kg/50kg-30kg)
2 Rope Climbs 1 legless + 1 with legs

E. Accessory work

3 sets of weighted hyperextensions x 8-10 reps slow reps
3 sets of weighted wind mill 5 reps at each side go easy on these  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY )


A. Warm up using 3-4 sets of Clean sot press 4-5 reps slow with pause on top using a light bar

B. Olympic Weight Lifting (Check the facebook page)

C. Strength Skill

3 rnds of

3-6 reps of tempo Strict toes to bar (3 sec up, 1 sec pause on top, 4 sec down, 1 sec pause on starting position) + 5-10 kipping toes to bar

Rest 90 sec

3-5 Strict Hspu at the most difficult Level that you can achieve

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning at Threshold pace 80%

3 Rnds

Work to Rest ratio 1: 1

500mt row
25 Burpees over Row

i.e. if it took you 3 min to finish it then you rest 3 min during your rest active rest single ropes of light row or light jogging

C. Accessory work

3 rnds

False grip static hold hang 90 sec accumulate
Reverse Hypers x 10 (hold 3 sec on top)
Renegade Rows x 10 (Hold 1 sec on top at each rep, contolled descend)

Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using the following complex 3 rnds of light weight

5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Push Press Behind neck + 5 OHS or Snatch Balance + 5 Kang Squats

B.& C. : Check your facebook page

D. Conditioning

Choose your rep range (reps should be unbroken)

Emom from 0-3 min

10-7reps Thrusters (45-30/ 25-20kg) odd
10-5reps Kipping or butterfly pull ups even

Emom from 3-6 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
8-4 reps C2bar pull ups even

Emom from 6-9 min

10-7 reps Thrusters odd
5-3-1 Bar Muscle ups even

E. Core

3 sets of slow romanian deadlift x 5-6 reps medium weight
1 set accumulate 90 sec in hollow position

Παρασκευή 23 Οκτωβρίου 2015


a. Testing day

1. In 15 min establish an 1RM Snatch


2. In 15 min establish an 1RM clean and jerk

b. Conditioning

3 rnds of

500mt Row
1 legless + 1 with leg rope climb

c. Accesory work

3 sets of reverse hyperextensions with isometric hold 3 sec x 10 reps
Hollow hold isometric 2 min accumulate

Πέμπτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Τετάρτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength (warm up your back with goodmornings and your mobility)

Back squat , work up to heavy single. This is not a max attempt. Rep scheme 3/2/1/1/1/1/1

B. Emom x 10

5 reps Touch and go Power Snatch odd minute
20 mt Heavy sled even minute

C. Conditioning

Unbroken wall ball (9kg/6kg) Reps

Rest 2 min

Unbroken Toes to bar Reps

Rest 2 min

Unbroken Ring Dips

Finish with light aerobic work 8-10 min row or run

D. Accessory work

20 reps of Turkish get ups using an olympic bar

Τρίτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Muscle Clean and Clean sot presses 3 rep range

In 15 minutes build a heavy to medium 1 paused clean up to knee (3 sec hold) + 1 Clean from high hang position.

B. Emom x 8

1 push press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split jerk (medium to heavy weight ) odd
Technique Ring Muscle up reps 15 sec work even

C. Conditioning

Emom Death by Calories on Row

4 calories
6 calories
8 calories
10 calories
12 calories
14 calories
16 calories
17 calories
18 calories
continue adding one rep untill you can't keep the pace

D. Accesory work

Accumulate 2-3 min on L sit

Δευτέρα 19 Οκτωβρίου 2015

19.10.15 (Transitional low week)

A. Olympic weight lifting

On the second minute

Build a heavy complex of : 2 snatch paused deadlift to knee (3 sec count) + 1 paused Hang Squat Snatch from pockets

B. Condititioning /Gymnastics

For Time

15 Deficit HSPU
20 Chest to bar pull ups
15 Strict HSPU normal
20 Chest to bar pull ups
15 Kipping Hspu

immediately followed by

*Unbroken du -score

C.Accessory work

3 rnds of

3 x 10 sec static hold back extensions on ghd with weight behind neck
4 x 10 sec isometric evil wheel or plain (without wheel)
2 x 10-20 sec static hang grip on rope each arm 

Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Work up to a heavy Clean and jerk from Blocks (above knee) 2 Clean + 1 jerk. Then do 2 reps (2 x 2 cleans from blocks and 1 Jerk) of 95% from your final set and another 2 reps @ 90%

e.g If your Heavy set was 80 kg then 80 x 0.95 = 76kg and 80 x 0.90 = 72kg

*Note if you dont feel your shoulder very well just do the cleans but instead of doing 2 reps do 3 reps for all sets

B. Strength/skill

On every 90 sec alternate 4 rounds of

1. Push Press 3 reps or Clean Deadlift 5 rm (choose based on weakness)
2. Bar Muscle ups focusing on technique 1/2/3/4 or 5 bar Muscle ups

C. Conditioning

Amrap 9 min

Kb swings 20 (24-16kg/ 20-12kg)
Push ups 20 Hands Release
Wall Balls 20

Rest 5 min


3 attempts

Max score of Unbroken DU

D. Conditioning

Goodmorning 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Hollow isometric hold 2 min (if its too easy grab a light bar 2,5kg-5kg on your arms)

Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

Build a heavy (NOT MAX) Front Squat 1-2 reps. Then 2 back off sets 2-3 reps @ 85% and 80%

B. Skill/Strength

warm up using the following complex 5 reps

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Push Press Behind Neck

Then alternate Emom x 10

1. Power Snatch 3-5 reps touch and go focus on skill movement efficiency odd
2. 1 Leg less Rope climb to middle distance + 1 trip with legs even

C. Conditioning

For Time

2 rnds of

400mt run
14 Deficit or simple kipping HSPU
7 OHS (@60%)
400MT Row
14 Deficit or simple kipping HSPU
7 OHS (60%)

D. Accesory work

3 sets of farmer walk 100mt (every 25 mt hold 20 sec and continue) Grip work
3 sets  of ghd sit ups 6-10 reps


Α. Aerobic work 30-40 min at zone 2-3
B. Stretching and light core work 3 sets x 20 reps
C. Foam roll and contrast showers.
D. Sleep well

Τετάρτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Alternate Emom x 12 (ascending weight)

Goal is to build a heavy Jerk or Max (only if you feel good)

1. Jerk Dip x 2 reps (always 5-10kg above jerk)
2. Jerk 1-2 reps

B. Skill/ Strength

Test choose from :

1. Try to make a muscle up
2. 10 reps or 20 or 30 rep Muscle ups for time
3. 45 ring dips for time

C. Conditioning

5 rnds of

30 sec Dead Lift (50%)
30 sec Box Jumps
30 sec Rest

Rest and Row @ at an aerobic pace 2000mt

D. Accessory work

False grip on rings accumulate 90 sec
Hollow rock accumulate 2 min
Hyperxtension ismoteric hold accumulate 90 sec with light weight behind back

Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Muscle Snatch

Min 0-1 : 40% 3 reps
Min 1-2: 50% 3 reps
Min 2-3: 60% 3 reps
Min 3-4 :65% 3 reps
Min 4-5: 70% 3 reps
Min 5-6: Rest
Min 6-7: 75-80% 3 reps
Min 7-10 min : 2 back of sets at 5kg less than from last set
* percentage values are calculated from best Muscle Snacth 

Rest 3 min then

Snatch from high blocks or Hang : build a heavy (NOT MAX) 3RM : then reduce 5kg-7.5kg and execute 2 back off sets @ 2-3 res

B. Skill


Max reps HSPU strict version

Rest as needed

Max reps HSPU Kipping with 2 x 10kg plates and an abmat between

C. Conditioning

4 sets

On the 3 rd minute

20 Burpees + 15 Toes to bar + 10 pistols or weighted lunges

D. Accessory work

3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps
Accumulate 90-120 sec of L-sit hold

Δευτέρα 12 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

Test your Back Squat Strength 1 rep MAX + 2 back off sets @ 75-80% of your PR sets 4  reps


3 sets of

Heavy pull ups 3 reps rest as needed


Test butterfly pull ups or Chest to bar pull ups UNBROKEN Max score

C. Conditioning

Alternate Emom x 12

15-20 Row Kcal
60-70 du

D. Accessory Work

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 sets 6-8 reps with tempo 3020 (medium weight go easy on these)
Accumulate 2 min hang (1 min with left hand on top , 1 min with right hand on top) from rope
Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps 2-3 sets

Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Clean and Jerk (you can use power or squat clean or clean from blocks )

Work up to a heavy load 1 clean @ 2 Jerks 85% then : 1 set, 1 rep @ 80% if you make it proceed to 85%, if you make it proceed to 90%. Depending how you feel we will decide if you climb up, if you don't feel good we will stop @ 85%

B. Strength

3 rounds of

2 quikck jerk dips  + Push Press x 3 reps (try to add weight 2.5-5kg compared with previous week)

Rest 60 sec

Bent over Row x 5 reps

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

Amrap 7 min ladder

2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10.......

Dead Lift @ 50-60%
HSPU (1 strict + 1 kipping) i.e. on third round 3 reps of strict + 3 reps of kipping

D. Core work

3 sets of renegade rows x 12 reps
3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps

Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. In 15 min build a heavy Front Squat 2-1 reps. Then 3 back off sets @ 70-75 % 6-8 reps

C. Skill/Strength

3-4 rounds

3-5 reps per arm Czech Rope climb + 1 or 2 trips using legs

Rest 60 sec

3-5 Reps of Tall Jerk (κοντράρω στην μπάρα, δεν πρεσάρω)

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Alternate On every 2 minutes x 10sets (5 sets each)

1. 3-5 Bar Muscle ups + 8-12 Burpees +10- 12 Alternate one arm Dumbell Full Snatch (17.5kg-15kg/15-12kg)
2. Handstand walk for distance or Practise walking against wall

E. Assistance exercises

1. Goodmorning 3 sets x 8-10 reps, tempo 3020 (three second descend 2 second ascend)
2. Clean sot press light bar or plastic bar from front rack 3 sets x 5-6 reps
3. Grip work using a false grip on rings accumulate 120 sec hold (i.e. 30 sec work/ rest- repeat)

Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Warm up using Push Jerk 2-3 reps, Then 6 sets @ heavy to medium load 2 reps Push or split jerk


3 rnds

1. 2 Jerk dips + 3 Push presses @ 75-80%

Rest 60 sec

2. 1 strict Muscle up on rings + 5 Kipping Muscle ups + 10-5 strict Ring dips on top

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

For Time

1000mt Row
50 Thrusters 20kg
30 pull ups

D. Accessory work

3 sets of 8-10 reps Goodmorning 3/0/2/0 tempo
2 sets of Renegade Row 12 reps slow tempo
250-300mt Farmer walk go heavy on these 

Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2015


a. Warm up using Sot Press 4-5 sets 3 reps start with empty bar and ascend

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Min 0-1 : 2 Snatch Balances
Min 1-2 : Rest and increase weight
Min 2-3 : 2 Snatch Balances
Min 3-4 : Rest and Increase weight
Min 4-5 : 2 Snatch Balances

Rest 3 min

On the second minute x 6 sets (ascending weight)

2 snatch pulls (start slow and maintain locked arms and back), while you aproach the pockets push the floor and explode upwards (Do not bent your arms, try to keep the bar close to the center of body)

Rest 15 sec

2 Full Snatches or ( 2 reps of 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS) stay on the low position for 2 secs


Strict HSPU 4/3/2/1 rep + 1 set as many reps as possible same level as the 3rd  set i.e. start with the easiest level 1 ab mat 4 reps, no ab mat 3 reps, 10-15kg plates deficit 2 reps........ you can start with deficit depending on your strength.

On the last set try to do more than last week

d. Conditioning

Emom x 10

10 Toes to bar + 5-10 Kipping HSPU

Rest 5 min

(Optional if you lack endurance on rowing machine)

Row 1000mt @ 80%
active rest for 2 min 
Row 750mt @ 75%
Cool down for 5 min

e. Accessory work

3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps
Accumulate 90-120 sec of L-sit hold

Κυριακή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2015


A. Strength

In 15 min build an 1 RM Heavy Back squat. When you reach your last set execute + 3 back off sets @ 75-70% of your PR sets 6-8 reps


3 sets of

Heavy pull ups 3 reps (rest 30 sec) + 10 Chest to bar pull ups ( 15 sec rest) + aim to Do more reps than last weeks pull ups

C. Conditioning

Alternate Emom  x 16

1. 5 Power Clean (60-75%) + 50 -30 Du Odd minute
2. 15-20 wall Balls Even minute

D. Accessory Work

Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 sets 6-8 reps with tempo 3020 (medium weight go easy on these)
Accumulate 2 min hang (1 min with left hand on top , 1 min with right hand on top) from rope
Ghd sit ups 10-15 reps 2-3 sets

Παρασκευή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Α. Emom x 18 min  Clean and Jerk (you can use power or squat clean )x

Min 0-1 : 60% or 30 kg below pr (easier version) x 5 reps
Min 1-2: 70% or 25kg below pr x 4 reps
Min 2-3 : 80% or 20kg below pr x 3 reps
Min 3-4 : 85% or 15kg below pr x 2 reps
Min 4-5 : 90 % or 10kg below pr x 1 reps
Min 5-6 : Rest and repeat for 3 rounds

B. Skill/Strength

3 rounds of

2 jerk dips (hold on dip and explode) + Push Press x 3 reps

Rest 60 sec

Bar muscle ups x 5 or more unbroken (aim to work up to 75-80% of your max effort)

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

2 rnds of 80% effort do not max out

In 3 min run 400mt remaining time pistols
Rest 1 min
In 3 min run 400mt remaining time chest to bar pull ups
Rest 1 min
In 3 min run 400mt remaining time Box Jumps
Rest 3 min

*Second round row 400mt-300mt instead of running 400mt (in case you feel tired don't do the second round)

D. Core work

3 sets of renegade rows x 12 reps
3 sets of light weighted hyperextensions x 15 reps


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. Alternate Front and Back squat e.g.

1 set 60% 2-3 reps Front squat
2 set 60 % 2-3 reps Back Squat
3 set 65-70% 2 reps Front Squat
4 set 65-70% 2 reps Back Squat
......continue building it up to
90% Back Squat 1 rep
90% Front Squat 1 rep... Then stop the front Squat and continue with Back Squat
95% 1 rep Front squat
100% 1 rep Front Squat
Front rekord (προσπάθεια για ρεκορ μια επανάληψη όλα για όλα, απο πίσω παρτενερ για spot), rest as needed between sets.

C. Skill/Strength

3-4 rounds

3-5 reps per arm Czech Rope climb

Rest 60 sec

3-5 Reps of Tall Jerk (κοντράρω στην μπάρα, δεν πρεσάρω)

Rest 60 sec

D. Conditioning

On every 2 minutes x 6 sets

30mt sled push (40-20kg) + 15 swings + 10 Ring Dips

E. Assistance exercises

1. Goodmorning 3 sets x 10-12 reps, tempo 3020 (three second descend 2 second ascend)
2. Clean sot press light bar or plastic bar from front rack 3 sets x 5-6 reps
3. Grip work using a false grip on rings accumulate 90 sec hold (i.e. 30 sec work/ rest- repeat)

Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Run at easy pace for 20-30 min
B. 3 sets x 15 reps of : Body weight Hyperextensions with pause 2 sec at top/ 3 sets x 6-8 reps (both arms) 1 arm kb (light weight) Overhead squat / 3 sets of renegade 5 reps per arm (contol descend)
C. Mobility and foam roll 15 min
D. Eat and have contrast baths or shower

Τρίτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. In 15 min establish a heavy or MAX (If you feel good only) Jerk

B. Skill / Strength

6 Rounds

Bar or Ring Muscle up 1 strict + 2 kipping/ 1 strict + 3 kipping / 1 strict + 4 kipping / option : 1 stict + 5 kipping or 6 kipping aim for unbroken /option : 1 stict + 6 kipping or 7 kipping /option : 1 stict + 7 kipping or 8 kipping

* if you can't muscle up then spend doing strengthening from box and hips to bar kipping

Rest 30 sec

Dead Lift x 6-8 reps @ 65% (ascending weight or keep the same depending how you feel) Controled descent

Rest 30-60 sec

C. Conditioning

3 or 4  rnds of mercy Amrap

Min 0-1 : Thrusters (40 or 30kg/ 30 or 20kg)
Min 1-2:  Row
Min 2-3 : Rope Climbs
Min 3-4 : Rest

Cool Down 1500mt easy row or run


A. Alternate Emom x 12

Power Clean 5 reps touch and go (ascending weight, build up to a point that you can't do 5 reps unbroken and then reduce weight by 5 or 10kg and continue) odd

Box Jumps 10/12 or 15 reps (60/50cm) even


Strict HSPU 5/4/3/2/1 rep + 1 set as many reps as possible same level as the 4th set i.e. start with the easiest level 1 ab mat 5 reps, no ab mat 4 reps, 5-10kg plates deficit 3 reps........ you can start with deficit depending on your strength

During rest

Jerk Dips 3 reps controled descend explode upwards (aim for 10-20kg above jerk rekord)

C. Conditioning

For Time

12/10/8/6/4 Kipping Hspu (you can use deficit)
4/8/12/16/20 Toes to bar

Rest 3-5 min

Interval Conditioning


30 sec on 10 sec off x  5 sets

Κυριακή 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 5-10 mobility squat drills

B. Alternate Front and Back squat e.g.

1 set 60% 2-3 reps Front squat
2 set 60 % 2-3 reps Back Squat
3 set 65-70% 2 reps Front Squat
4 set 65-70% 2 reps Back Squat
......continue building it up to
90% Front Squat 1 rep
90% Back Squat 1 rep... Then stop the front Squat and continue with Back Squat
95% 1 rep Back squat
100% 1 rep Back Squat
Break rekord (προσπάθεια για ρεκορ μια επανάληψη όλα για όλα, απο πίσω παρτενερ για spot), rest as needed between sets

C. Skill/Strength

3 sets of :

5 reps of weighted pull ups (Rest 45 sec) + 10 Chest to bar pull ups (Rest 30 sec) + 15 Pull ups

Rest as needed between sets

D. Conditioning

Amrap 7 min  Ladder 1/2, 2/4. 3/6......

Squat Snatch (60-70% depending on how you feel)
Burpee over Bar

Παρασκευή 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Conditioning

From 0-8 min : Emom x 3 OHS (ascending weight)
From 8-9 min : Rest
From 9-14 min : Amrap 15 OHS (40kg/25kg) + 15 Facing Bar Burpees
From 14-17 min : Rest
From 17- 27 min : On every second minute - 10 Dead Lifts (70/50kg) + 10 Box Jumps (70 or 60cm)
From 27-30 min : Rest

B. In teams of 2

3 rnds (when one person works the other rests)

40mt Sled (30kg)
40mt Lunges with 10kg plate overhead
400mt Run
40 empty bar Thrusters

Πέμπτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. In 15 minutes build a heavy complex of :

1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Front Squat + 1 jerk

B. Interval Conditioning

Amrap 1 min of Kipping Muscle ups
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min of Butterfly Pull ups
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min of Rope Climbs

Rest 3 min

Amrap 1 min Handstand walk (5mt distance)
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min Hspu Kipping
Rest 30 sec
Amrap 1 min Kipping Ring Dips

Rest 3 min

Tempo Row

1000mt Row 80%
500mt Row Easy
750mt Row 80%
400mt Row Easy
500mt Row 80%
Cool Down


A. Recovery aerobic session
B. 20-30 min Light aerobic Activity
C. Stretch and Foam roll
D. Sleep and eat well

Τετάρτη 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Emom x 10

1 rep of Back Squat (weights as you feel DO NOT max out)

B. Conditioning

Amrap 10 min

5 strict HSPU + 5 Kipping HSPU
5 Power Snatch (60-50kg/40-30kg)
5 burpees over bar

C. Cool down 1500mt easy Row

Τρίτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Alternate Emom x 10

5 reps Touch and Go Power Clean (ascending weight start from 60%) Odd
1 Strict Muscle up followed by 1-3 reps of kipping Muscle ups Even

B. Conditioning

3 rnds of

400mt run
100mt Sled Push (40kg/20kg)
20 Toes to bar

C. Core work

3 rounds of

10 Reps of weighted hyperextensions
10-15 sec Lsit

Δευτέρα 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Low week (21.9.15)

A. Warm up 10-15 min

B. In 10 minutes build a heavy (80%) Complex : 1 squat snatch (or power) + 1 Snatch Balance or (OHS)

C. Skill/Strength

 Emom x 6

3 Heavy Pull ups odd
5-10 Chest to bar butterfly pull ups (work on mechanics ) even

D. In team of 2

For Time 3 rnds (when one works the other rests)

50 wall ball
50 Push Press (@ 50-60%)
50 kcal Row
* On every second minute 5 burpees for both athletes

Σάββατο 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up  20 min usings complexes i.e. OHS+ Snatch Balance + Snatch Push Press + Kang Squats

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Power Snatch touch and go  15 sec rest 30 sec x 6 sets (60-70%) find a weight that you can go unbroken.

Rest 5-min

In 5 min build a heavy Snatch (NOT MAX)

C. Strength/skill

3 rnds

Complex Behind Neck 3 Strict Press + 2 push press + 1 Push Jerk

Rest 60 sec

Pistols (grab a weight) 6 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Amrap 15 min (aerobic tempo)

3 Bar muscle ups
15 Swings
80mt farmer walk

or Alternate Emom x 16

Min odd: 1-3 Bar muscle + 10-15 swings (you must finish at 45 sec)
Min even : 80mt Farmer walk

Rest 6-8 Hours

Stadium Surging Runs

Min 1- 8 = Zone 2-3
Min 8-9 = Zone 4
Min 9-13= Zone 3
Min 13-14 = Zone 4
Min 14-18 = Zone 3
Min 18-19 = Zone 4
Min 20- 25 = Zone 3-2

Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Front Squat 80% x 3-reps (first set) followed by 1 set of 85% x 3 reps followed by 1 set of 90% x 1-2 reps

Rest 60 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3-5 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning Emom x 9

Min 1 : 5mt-10mt Handstand walk + 1-2 trip of rope climb use legs
Min 2: 8 Front Squats + 3 jerks @ 60-70%
Min 3: Rest

Rest as needed, then

3 sets, rest 3 min between sets

In 4 min time cap threshold pace (80%)

Run 400mt
20 Hang power clean (45%-50% of best clean)
Remaining time burpees over bar

Τετάρτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Active Recovery

1. Swim or light aerobic activity 20min
2. Stretch and foam roll
3. Eat and sleep well
4. Contrast Baths
5. Pre rehab exercises i.e. shoulder bands


A. Warm up 20 min use handstand walks

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 3 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% (Of best muscle snatch)


Emom x 5  Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 3-5 reps

Rest 3 min then amrap 60 sec Power Snatch @ 55%

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 100- 115% of best clean 3 reps - 5 reps (Go slow on these)

Rest 60 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

C. Conditioning

For Time (Test)


21/15/9 reps

Deadlift (100kg/70kg)

Rest 5 min

Cool down 2000mt Row easy pace

Δευτέρα 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Morning Session

Run continuous zones 2-3 (aerobic restoration)

25 min

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

a. Warm up

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Clean and jerk (70%)

7-6 sets of Clean and jerk 15 sec touch and go rest 30 sec
* if you can not keep up with the pace reduce weight and continue

c. Strength and skill

3 rnds of

Snatch Balance 85% x 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

1-3 reps of Muscle ups (strict version) followed by 5-8reps strict version of ring dips (try to turn the arms outwards during the ascent )

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish the 3 rnds do ONE set of  1.30 min amrap Kipping Muscle ups

d. Conditioning

5-4 sets

On the Third minute (try to pace i.e. 18 push ups in 45 sec, 50 du in 45 sec, 12 Toes to bar in 30-45 sec , that leaves you with 45 sec rest, In case you can't keep up the pace reduce reps)

18 push ups
50 du
12 Toes to bar

Κυριακή 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


a. Warm up 20 min using related specific exercises


 Back Squat 2 sets x 2- 3 reps @ 85% + 2 set @ 90% 1-2 reps , rest as needed between sets

+ 1 set @ 75% as many reps as possible

c. Olympic weight Lifting

4 sets

Every 90 sec Full Snatch @ 75%  2 reps

d. Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Static/Isometric hold 12 sec Front Lever (tuck/flat tuck/ or straddle depending on your strength)

Rest 60 sec

5 reps Heavy Pull ups on pull up bar or on rings with semi false grip (aim bar/rings to touch chest)

Rest 90 sec

e. Conditioning

Amrap Intervals

15 reps Thrusters (40/30kg, 30/20kg)
15 reps pull ups

1 set amrap 40 sec (on every set start from the rep that you have stoped)
Rest 1 min
1 set amrap 35 sec
Rest 1.30 min
1 set amrap 30 sec
Rest 2 min
1 set amrap 25 sec
Rest 2.30 min
1 set amrap 20 sec

Rest 3 min

Cool down 1500mt  aerobic pace row on every 500mt 20 burpees over row

Παρασκευή 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up  20 min usings complexes i.e. OHS+ Snatch Balance + Snatch Push Press + Kang Squats

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

In 15 Minutes build a heavy Snatch (Not Max)

Rest 5-10 min

C. Strength/skill

3 rnds

Snatch Push Press 89 % 3 reps

Rest 60 sec

Pistols (grab a weight) 6 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

Aerobic Plyo

Box Jumps 10 reps followed by 10 or 15 sec of rest x 5 min

Rest 3 min

Emom x 8

15-20 Hands Release Push ups odd
15-20 Swings even (28kg-20kg)

Rest 6-8 Hours

Stadium Surging Runs

Min 1- 8 = Zone 2-3
Min 8-10 = Zone 4
Min 10-13= Zone 3
Min 13-15 = Zone 4
Min 15-18 = Zone 3
Min 18-21 = Zone 4
Min 21- 25 = Zone 3-2


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Strength/Skill

4 rnds

Front Squat 80% x 3reps (first set) followed by 3 sets of 85% x 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

*When you finish the 3 rnds then 1 set of 1 min amrap rope climb use legs

C. Conditioning

For Time

7 rnds

5 Touch and go Clean and jerks (start from 60%, at every round add 5 kg, when you are not able to keep the touch and go reduce weight and continue)
35 unbroken du
6/4 pull ups
4/2 Chest to bar pull ups
2/1 Bar muscle up

Rest 1 min at the end of each round

Τετάρτη 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Choose a skill and practise it for 15 min

B. Conditioning

6 sets of

Power Clean and jerk 3-5 reps @ 70-75% (Touch and go reps)
400mt Run (tempo pace 1.30-1.50 min)

C. Cool Down for 10-15 min followed by stretcing

Τρίτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 4 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% (Of best muscle snatch)


Emom x 6  Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 3-5 reps

Rest 3 min then amrap 45 sec Power Snatch @ 60%

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 115-120% of best clean 4 reps - 6 reps

Rest 90 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 60 sec

When you finish 1 (ONE ) set of  75 sec amrap Handstand Push ups kipping

C. Conditioning

Emom x 10

Handstand walk 10 mt or Handstand wall Runs 20-30 reps odd
30/40/50/60/70 DU (add 10 reps per round) even

Rest 3 min


For Time

3 rnds of

8 reps  @ 75% of best Front Squat
1 legless Rope climb
1 with legs

Κυριακή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


a. Warm up 20 min using related specific exercises


 Back Squat 3 sets x 3 or 4  reps @ 85% + 1 set @ 90% 1 rep , rest as needed between sets

c. Olympic weight Lifting

Every 90 sec Full Snatch @ 75% 3 sets x 3 reps + 2 sets @ 80% x 2 reps

d. Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Static/Isometric hold 12 sec Front Lever (tuck/flat tuck/ or straddle depending on your strength)

Rest 60 sec

4-5 reps Heavy Pull ups on pull up bar or on rings with semi false grip (aim bar/rings to touch chest)

Rest 90 sec

When you complete 3 rnds amrap 75 sec of kipping or butterfly pull ups

e. Conditioning

On the minute work x 12

5 Burpees + 5 Thrusters (45-35kg/ 30-20kg) odd
10 wall ball + 5 Ring Dips kipping even

Σάββατο 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Snatch (65-70%)

6 sets of Clean and jerk 10-12 sec touch and go rest 60 sec

Rest as needed in 10 minutes build a heavy (80-85%) Clean and Jerk

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Snatch Push Press 85-87% 3 reps

Rest 90 sec

Pistols heavy (grab a dumbell) 5 reps per leg

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish all 3 sets 1 min amrap alternating pistols

D. Conditioning

Amrap 4 min

Ladder 1/1,2/2....

Strict Hspu
Over Head Squat 40kg/25kg

Rest 3 min

Alternate Tabata 4 min

Kipping Hspu
Swings (28kg-20kg)

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Aerobic Run

4 sets

3 Min at zone 2-3
1 min at zone 4

Followed by 5-8 min cool down

Παρασκευή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

Specific Warm up 3 sets of  the Following Complex

Muscle Clean + Push Jerk + Halting Dead Lift (2 sec up to first pull) + Hang Squat Clean

Then Emom x 6 reps

Clean and Jerk (ascending weight start from 60%) 1-3 reps

C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Front Squat 85% x 2-3 reps

Rest 90 sec

Rope Climb (Choose your Czech version 1-4 depending on your strength ) 3-5 reps per arm

Rest 90 sec

*When you finish the 3 rnds then 1 set of 2 min amrap rope climb use legs

D. Conditiong

For Time

5 sets on the Third Minute

3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups or Burpee Chest to bar pull ups
15 wall Ball
20/15 Row Kcal

* In case you can not keep up reduce kcal in Row

Τετάρτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


A. Warm up 20 min

B. Olympic Weight Lifting

3 sets of 3 reps of Muscle Snatch 80% + 1 OHS or Snatch Balance


Emom x 6 Full or Power Snatch (start from 65% and ascend) 1-2 reps

B. Skill/Strength

3 rnds of

Deadlift 115-120% of best clean 3 reps - 5 reps

Rest 90 sec

Strict HSPU (use deficit ) 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

When you finish 1 (ONE ) set of  1 min amrap Handstand Push ups kipping

C. Conditioning

Emom x 10

Handstand walk 10 mt or Handstand wall Runs 20-30 reps odd
Hang Power Clean 5 reps (add one rep per round) 55-65% even

Rest 3 min


Amrap 4 min

Ladder 1/1/2/2/3/3

Push Jerk @50-55%
Burpees over Bar

Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2015


Morning Session

Run continuous zones 2-3

2 sets of 12-15 min

or 30 min run

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

a. Warm up

b. Olympic Weight Lifting

Explosive repeat  Power Clean and jerk (70-75%)

6 sets of Clean and jerk 10-12 sec touch and go rest 60 sec

c. Strength and skill

3 rnds of

Snatch Balance 85% x 3 reps

Rest 90 sec

1-3 reps of Muscle ups (strict version) followed by 3-5 strict version of ring dips (try to turn the arms outwards during the ascent )

Rest 90 sec

* When you finish the 3 rnds 1 min amrap Kipping Muscle ups

d. Conditioning

3 sets of

Tempo Amrap 3 min

15 Toes to bar
30 DU

Rest until heart rate drops at 130-120bpm

31.8.15 (Phase 2)

a. Warm up 20 min using related specific exercises


 Back Squat 4 sets x 2 reps @ 85% , rest as needed between sets

c. Olympic weight Lifting

Every 90 sec Full Snatch @ 75% 3 sets x 2 reps + 1 set @ 80% x 2 reps

d. Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Static/Isometric hold 10 sec Front Lever (tuck/flat tuck/ or straddle depending on your strength)

Rest 60 sec

3-5 reps Heavy Pull ups on pull up bar or on rings with semi false grip (aim bar/rings to touch chest)

Rest 90 sec

When you complete 3 rnds amrap 1 min of kipping or butterfly pull ups

e. Conditioning

On the minute work x 10

7 Thrusters (45kg-50kg, 30-40kg), 7 Burpees over bar

In case you can't keep up the pace reduce reps

Παρασκευή 28 Αυγούστου 2015


A. In 10 minutes build a snatch from Blocks 1-2 reps up to 75 %

     Rest 5 min

    In  10 Minutes build a clean full or power 1-2 reps up to 75-80%

B. Emom x 10

5 power Snatch touch and go 60-70% odd minute
1-3 Strict Hspu + 3-5 kipping Hspu even

Rest 5 min

   Emom x 10

5 Hang Power Clean 65-70% odd minute
10 Toes to bar even minute

C. Wod

Amrap 5 min

1 Muscle up or 3 ring dips
10 Swings (32-24kg)

Evening session

Surge runs

Min 1-3 - zone 2-3
Min 3-5 - zone 3-4
Min 5-8- zone 2-3
Min 8-10- zone 3-4
Min 10-13-zone 2-3
Min 13-15 - zone 3-4
Min 15-20 cool down


A. Olympic weight lifting

3 sets of the following Complex

OHS + Snatch Balance + Snatch grip push press + Kang squats

Rep scheme 5+5+5+5

use light weight


Emom x 5 full or power Snatch 2-3 reps + 70-75%

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

Front squat 80% x 2 reps

Rest 90 sec

Rope Climb legless  or czech version 1 trip + 2 trips with legs

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

For Time

50 du
40 Burpees
30 Pull ups
40 du
30 burpees
30 Pull ups
30 du
20 burpees
30 pull ups

Τετάρτη 26 Αυγούστου 2015


A. Olympic weight Lifting

Warm up with Muscle snatch 65% 3 sets x 3 reps

Then Emom x 5

Full or Power Clean and jerk 65-70% x 3 reps

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds

Dead Lift of best Clean (105%) 3-5 reps

Rest 90 sec

5mt -10mt Handstand walk (Or 10 reps of Handstand wall run)  to wall followed by 1-3 reps of strict HSPU followed by 3-5 reps of kipping HSPU

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

Emom x 20

200mt Run odd minute
Complex 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 OHS (50-55% of best Snatch)

Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


A. Olympic Weight Lifting

 Full Clean from Blocks (mid thigh) 4 sets x 2 reps @65% (focus on bringing the bar to hips and transition with speed under bar)

B. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of

1. Snatch Balance 3 reps 70% (stay 2 seconds on low position)

Rest 90 sec

2. Muscle ups (strict version) 1-3 reps, rest 45 sec followed by 3 reps (focus on technique) of kipping Muscle ups or Hips to bar

Rest 90 sec

C. Conditioning

3 rnds

Amrap 1 min per exercise (try to have a pace and be consistent in each round)

1. Kb swings 32-24/24-16kg
2. Box Jumps
3. Wall Balls
4. Ring dips kipping
5. Rest 2 min

D. Row 2000km on zone 2

Δευτέρα 24 Αυγούστου 2015

24.8.15 (Transitional Week)

A. Warm up

Use Handstand balance and another skill (relevant info would be given at the group in Facebook)

B. Emom x 4

Mid Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65%

    Emom x 4

Jerk From Blocks x 2 reps @ 75%

C. Strength & Gymnastics

3 rnds of

Back Squat 80% x 2 reps

Rest 90 sec

Heavy Pull ups x 3 reps

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

2-3 sets depending how you feel

3 min amrap at Threshold pace

10 Kipping HSPU
20 Kcal
30 Du unbroken

2 min active rest (practise butterfly pull ups)

Σάββατο 22 Αυγούστου 2015


a. Warm up

2 rnds o:

f15 reps of band face pulls
15 reps of Muscle Clean
15 reps of Handstand Shrugs close to wall
30 sec of Static False grip

b. Skill 
Muscle ups (warm up using false grip ring rows and ring dips go slow on these)
4 sets of Strict Version of muscle ups 3-5 reps, rest as needed between sets

c. Emom x10 Interval work

1. Power Clean and jerk touch and go 3-5 reps @ 60-70% odd minute
2. Kipping Muscle ups 2-3 reps ( or 7-8 unbroken toes to bar) even minute

d. Conditioning 
At an aerobic tempo amrap 15 min
20 Hands Release push ups
20 Butterfly pull ups
20 Lunges heavy or pistols
20 Jump over Box

e. Finisher 
3 sets of :
Row hard 1 min followed by easy row 45 sec

Παρασκευή 21 Αυγούστου 2015


A. Warm up

3 rnds of

10 Weighted Hollow Rock (Hold a light bar 3-5kg overhead)
15 Ghd Weighted Hyperextensions 2 sec up/ 1 sec hold/ 2 sec down
10 Reps Empty bar or Pvc bar sot press

B. Olympic Lifts

On every 90 sec x 5 sets

Full Snatch x 2 reps @80%

Rest 2 min

Amrap 1 min : Muscle Snatch at  @ 40% of best snatch

C. Strength/skill

3 sets of

1. 2 Cleans + 2 Front Squats (Complex)

Rest 90 sec

2. Handstand Balance (option try for free) 10 sec followed by  Strict Hspu (deficit or with ab mat) 3 reps followed by 5- 7 reps of kipping HSPU

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

2 sets

Amrap 5 min

1 Rope Climb (leg less or 2 trips with feet)
10 Box Jumps
15 Swings

Rest 1 min

Amrap 1 min Hang Power Clean 60%

Rest 1 min

Repeat again

Πέμπτη 20 Αυγούστου 2015

Τετάρτη 19 Αυγούστου 2015


Morning Session

Warm up : abs and lower back 3 sets x 15 reps

1. Skill Test

Choose a handstand Balance and test it aim for Mastery dependining on the exercise 60 sec holds for at least 3 sets

2. Strength

Dead lift (120% of best clean) 5 sets x 3 reps

Rest 2 min

Amrap 1 min Dead Lift 50% of your max

3. Conditioning

For Time

In 10 Minutes

200 du
100 wall ball

Remaining Time

Ladder 3/2, 6/4, 9/6, 12/8, 15/10, 18/12....

Toes to bar

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

4. Easy Run 25-30 min zone 2-3

Δευτέρα 17 Αυγούστου 2015


A.Warm up 2 rnds of :
1. Static False grip on rings from floor palms close to chest 15 sec- 30 sec
2. With a light band Internal Rotation 15 reps both arms
3. Shoulder abduction (band apart at shoulder height) 15 reps
4. Muscle Snatch 6-8 reps reps with light weight or empty bar
5. Prone Floor Handstand Flexion with Weighted bar or pvc pipe 10 reps

Β. Olympic Lifts
Emom x 3 Clean and Jerk touch and go 4 reps start from 60%
Rest 1 min
Emom x 3  Clean and Jerk touch and go 3 reps 70%
Rest 1 min
Emom x Clean and jerk touch and go 3-2 reps 75-80%
Rest 2 min
In 5 min build a heavy Clean and jerk
C. Strength/Skill

3 rnds of 

1. Back Squat 80% - 3 reps
Rest 90 sec
2. Pull ups heavy 3-5 reps followed by 10 unbroken butterfly chest to bar pull ups
Rest 90 sec

D. Test

In 6 minutes run for Distance (Post scores)