Σάββατο 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

20.2.16 (Saturday)

A. Barbell Cycling/Skill

Alternate Emom x 12

Min 0-1: Power Snatch 5 reps touch and go (start with 65-70%)
Min 1-2: Handstand Walk 5 mt (start behind a line)
Min 2-3: Power Snatch 4 reps touch and go (add 5kg)
Min 3-4: Handstand walk 6 mt
Min 4-5: Power Snatch 3 reps touch and go (add 5kg)
Min 5-6: Handstand walk 7 mt
Min 6-7: Power Snatch 5 reps touch and go (reduce weight but keep 5kg more than first minute)
Min 7-8: Handstand walk 5 mt and turn 180 degrees
Min 8-9: Power Snatch 4 reps touch and go (add 5kg)
Min 9-10: Handstand walk 6mt and turn 180 degrees
Min 10-11:Power Snatch 3 reps touch and go (add 5kg)
Min 11-12: Handstand walk 7mt and turn 180 degrees

*For those that can not walk Plate walks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-fKAoyzK6w

B. Metcon

For Time


 50mt sled work (30/20kg)
 75mt Lunges with medium weight
100mt Farmer walk (you choose the weight)

C. Conditioning

Run or Row or Both alternate

5 rnds of 1000mt at an aerobic pace 80% of Max Heart Rate

Rest 1 min between Rnds

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