Τρίτη 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

24.2.16 (Wednesday)

A. Olympic Weight lifting (warm up using sot presses)

Option 1: In 10 Min build a heavy Jerk split or push
Option 2: In 10 Min build a heavy Dead Lift

B. Barbell Cycling

Option 1 :Every 30 secs for 10 min - 2 Push jerks from Racks heavy load
Option 2: 3 Rnds every 120 sec 10 reps touch and go of heavy dead lift

C. Conditioning

Amrap 14 min

7 Muscle ups or 14 Ring Dips
50 Wall balls
100 DU

D. Interval work

3-4 rnds of

Min 0-1 : Fast sled work push (20kg/10kg)
Min 1-2 : Farmer walk for Distance
Min 2-3 : Run 200mt with med ball
Min 3-4 : Rest

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