Κυριακή 12 Ιουλίου 2015


A. Morning Session

1. Light jogging at zone 2 for 15 min
2. Dynamic Stretching for 5 min
3. Run on grass for 15 min @ zones 2-3

Rest 8 hours

Evening Session

B. Strength

1.Back Squat 75% x 5 reps, 2 sets x 80% x 5 reps, 83% x 3 reps
2. On every 90 sec x 4 sets Power Snatch + full Snatch @ 75%

C. Skill


3 sets of wrist wall Handstand for 60 sec (if you can hold 3 sets for 60 sec then next week you can proceed to the forearm supported handstand ) paired with Standing Shoulder Extension with weighted bar 5 reps (hold on top 3 sec)

D. Metcon

For Time at threshold pace 80%

21 Thrusters (40/30kg)
50 du
15 Thrusters
40 du
9 thrusters
30 du

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