Παρασκευή 17 Ιουλίου 2015


Morning Session :

a. Warm up

2 or 3 rnds

12-15 reps of band face pulls

12-15 reps of Muscle Clean empty bar
12-15 reps of Handstand Shrugs
25 sec of static False grip on rings

b. Skill

Choose an appropriate level from the list (strict version Muscle up i.e. negative/From Box/ or on Rings) and execute 3 sets or 3-5 reps.Rest 2 min between sets

When you finish Try to do one set max effort Kipping Muscle ups. For Those athletes that still can't do muscle ups then practise for 3-5 min Hips to bar (Check youtube link)

C. Conditioning Emom work

On every 90 sec Power Clean jerk 3, 4 or 5 reps touch and go 

0-  60%
1.30- 65%
3.00- 70%
4.30- 75%
6.00- 75%

*In case you brake the reps reduce weight (-5kg or -10kg) and continue 

Rest 5 min

D. Metcon

For Time

3 rnds

15 Jump over Box
9 OHS (60/40kg)
3 Rope Climbs 5 mt 

Rest 6-8 Hours

Evening Session

Run or Row 

Min 1-6 :Zone 2
Min 6-9: Zone 3
Min 9-11: Zone 2
Min 11-14: Zone 3-4
Min 14-16 : Zone 2
Min 16-18: Zone 4
Cool Down for 5 min 

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