Πέμπτη 23 Ιουλίου 2015


A. Warm up

3 rnds of

10 Weighted Hollow Rock (Hold a light bar 3-5kg overhead)
15 Ghd Weighted Hyperextensions 2 sec up/ 1 sec hold/ 2 sec down
10 Reps Empty bar or Pvc bar sot press

B. Olympic Lifts

Emom x 6

2 Position Snatch full or power (Floor/Mid Thigh) 75%-80%

C. Strength

3 or 4 rnds

1. Back Squat 85% x 3-4 reps

Rest 90 sec

2.Wrist Wall Handstand or Forearm supported Handstand ( 20 sec static hold) followed without Rest: Strict Hspu (or deficit) 3-5 reps (try to add one more rep this week, in case you can do 5 reps start using deficit HSPU)

Rest 90 sec

D. Conditioning

5 rnds of

25 kcal Row or (50 du / 20 Overhead weighted lunges)
Max unbroken Toes to bar

Work to Rest : 1/1 i.e. if you worked 2 min then rest 2 min and repeat

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