Τρίτη 14 Ιουλίου 2015


A. Warm up 3 rnds of :

1. Static False grip on rings from floor palms close to chest 15 sec- 30 sec
2. With a light band Internal Rotation 15 reps both arms
3. Shoulder abduction (band apart at shoulder height) 15 reps
4. Muscle Snatch 6-8 reps reps with light weight or empty bar
5. Prone Floor Handstand Flexion with Weighted bar or pvc pipe 10 reps

B. Skill

Practise 8 - 10 min butterfly pull ups or chest to bar pull ups

Then 3 sets of heavy pull ups x 3-4 reps (each set should be followed by 2-5 reps of bar muscle ups)
i.e. 1 set of heavy pull ups 3 reps, rest 30-45 sec 3-5 reps of bar muscle ups or jumping Bar muscle ups focusing on bringing the hips to bar and quick turnover of the elbows). Rest 2 min -3 min repeat

C. Emom x 6

Power Clean 3-5 reps (ascending weight start from 65%)

D. Conditioning (21 min amrap 3 x 7 min )

Work 5 min at threshold, active rest 2 min x 3 sets ( active rest light rowing or single jump ropes)

At threshold pace

400mt Row
21 Burpees over rower
21 Dead lift (50%)
400mt Row
15 burpees over rower
15 Dead Lift
400mt row
9 Burpees over rower
9 Dead lifts

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