Παρασκευή 24 Ιουλίου 2015


Morning Session :

a. Warm up

2 rnds of

15 reps of band face pulls
15 reps of Muscle Clean
15 reps of Handstand Shrugs close to wall
30 sec of Static False grip

b. Skill - Muscle ups

Choose your level from the list strict version and execute 3 sets of 3-5 reps. In case you can do 5 reps proceed to the next level. Rest as needed between sets

Finish with one set of max effort kipping Muscle ups. Athletes that can't do muscle ups follow your personal program

c. Strength

Jerk from Blocks 3-4 sets x 2-3 reps @ 75-85%

d. Metcon

For Time

21 Power Clean (60/40kg) or 60% of your max
15 Ring Dips
9 Pistols
15 Power Clean
9 Ring Dips
21 Pistols
9 Power Clean
21 Ring Dips
15 Pistols

* On every minute 4 burpees over bar

Rest 6-8 hours

Evening Session

Run or Row

Min 1-6 : Zone 2
Min 6-10 : Zone 3
Min 10-11 : Zone 2
Min 11- 15 : Zone 3
Min 15-16 : Zone 2
Min 16-20 : Zone 3-4
Min 20-25: Zone 2

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