Τρίτη 7 Ιουλίου 2015


A. Warm up 3 rnds of :

1. Static False grip on rings from floor palms close to chest 15 sec- 30 sec
2. With a light band Internal Rotation 15 reps both arms
3. Shoulder abduction (band apart at shoulder height) 15 reps
4. Muscle Snatch 6-8 reps reps with light weight or empty bar
5. Prone Floor Handstand Flexion with Weighted bar or pvc pipe 10 reps

B. Alternate Emom x 8

Power Clean 65-70% 3 reps touch and go odd
Box Jumps 15-20 reps

C. Gymnastics skill : Pull ups

Practise you butterfly pull ups for 8 min.

Then 2-3 sets of heavy pull ups 3-5 reps rest 2-3 min between sets followed by one set 1 unbroken set of kipping or butterfly pull ups max reps

D. Metcon

For Time

Ladder the Following

OHS (40% of 1 RM) 10/9/8...../1reps
Swings (28-24kg/ 20-16kg) 10/9/8..../1 reps

Rest until heart rate drops below 120bpm

For Time

75 burpees
*at the start of every minute 10 Wall balls (9/6kg)

E. Cool down

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